RTOG-0421 I6: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Recurrent Head and Neck Study Staging Diagrams / Oral Cavity Combination Chemotherapy With or Without Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer That Cannot Be Removed By Surgery Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
versioni (3)
- 19/9/12 19/9/12 -
- 9/1/15 9/1/15 - Martin Dugas
- 30/3/15 30/3/15 - Martin Dugas
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19 de septiembre de 2012
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Head and Neck Cancer NCT00113399 On-Study - RTOG-0421 I6: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Recurrent Head and Neck Study Staging Diagrams / Oral Cavity - 2265793v3.0
No Instruction available.
- StudyEvent: RTOG-0421 I6: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Recurrent Head and Neck Study Staging Diagrams / Oral Cavity
Unamed Module 2
Tipo di dati
- NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain
- C25284
- UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain
- C0332307
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C3262
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0027651
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C12418
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0460004
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C25306
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C0441987
Tipo di dati
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- UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain
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- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C3262
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0027651
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C12418
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0460004
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C25447
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C1521970
Tipo di dati
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- C13717
- UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain
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- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C3262
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0027651
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C25341
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C0450429
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C12418
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0460004
Tipo di dati
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C12418
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
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- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
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- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
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- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C13717
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C1515974
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C42703
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C0439659
- NCI Metathesaurus ValueDomain
- CL052713
Tipo di dati
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C3262
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0027651
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C12418
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0460004
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C25341
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C0450429
- NCI Thesaurus Property
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Tipo di dati
Tipo di dati
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- C25190
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C0027361
- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C25657
- UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass
- C1273518
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C25678
- UMLS 2011AA Property
- C1519316
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- StudyEvent: RTOG-0421 I6: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Recurrent Head and Neck Study Staging Diagrams / Oral Cavity
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C0027651 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
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