
Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 The scope of the Local Hospital Networks data set specification (LHN DSS) is: • Local Hospital Networks • all public hospital services that are managed by a state or territory health authority and are included in the General list of In-scope Public Hospital Services, which has been developed under the National Health Reform Agreement (2011). Excluded from the DSS scope are establishments which report to the Public hospital establishments NMDS. Local Hospital Networks are defined as those entities recognised as such by the relevant state or territory health authority. © Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015 Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601


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Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Full-time equivalent staffing data element cluster

Full-time equivalent staffing data element cluster

Full-time equivalent staff—average

Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid), average N[NNN{.N}] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—average METeOR identifier: 270543 Registration status: Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all staffing categories within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Calculated by adding the full-time equivalents for each staffing category listed below: C1.1 Salaried medical officers C1.2 Registered nurses C1.3 Enrolled nurses C1.4 Student nurses C1.5 Trainee/pupil nurses C1.6 Other personal care staff C1.7 Diagnostic and health professionals C1.8 Administrative and clerical staff C1.9 Domestic and other staff The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Full-time equivalent staff units are the on-job hours paid for (including overtime) and hours of paid leave of any type for a staff member (or contract employee where applicable) divided by the number of ordinary-time hours normally paid for a full-time staff member when on the job (or contract employee where applicable) under the relevant award or agreement for the staff member (or contract employee occupation where applicable). Hours of unpaid leave are to be excluded. Contract staff employed through an agency are included where the contract is for the supply of labour (e.g. nursing) rather than of products (e.g. photocopier maintenance). In the former case, the contract would normally specify the amount of labour supplied and could be reported as full-time equivalent units. Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Full-time equivalent staffing data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Establishment staffing categories

Establishment—staffing categories, health code N[N] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Establishment staffing categories METeOR identifier: 542001 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The categories of staffing used types by an establishment, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—staffing categories Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Administrative and clerical staff 2 Diagnostic and health professionals 3 Domestic and other staff 4 Enrolled nurses 5 Other personal care staff 6 Registered nurses 7 Specialist salaried medical officers (SMOs) 8 Other salaried medical officers (SMOs) 9 Student nurses 10 Trainee/pupil nurses Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Administrative and clerical staff Administrative and clerical staff are staff engaged in administrative and clerical duties. Medical staff and nursing staff, diagnostic and health professionals and any domestic staff primarily or partly engaged in administrative and clerical duties are excluded. Civil engineers and computing staff are included in this category. CODE 2 Diagnostic and health professionals Diagnostic and health professionals are qualified staff (other than qualified medical and nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature (but also including diagnostic and health professionals whose duties are primarily or partly of an administrative nature). This category includes all allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff). CODE 3 Domestic and other staff Domestic staff are staff engaged in the provision of food and cleaning services including domestic staff primarily engaged in administrative duties such as food services manager. Dieticians are excluded. This category also includes all staff not elsewhere included (primarily maintenance staff, trades people and gardening staff). CODE 4 Enrolled nurses Enrolled nurses are registered with the national registration board to practise in this capacity. Includes general enrolled nurse and specialist enrolled nurse (e.g. mothercraft nurses). CODE 5 Other personal care staff This category includes attendants, assistants or home assistance, home companions, family aides, ward helpers, warders, orderlies, ward assistants and nursing assistants engaged primarily in the provision of personal care to patients or residents, who are not formally qualified or undergoing training in nursing or allied health professions. CODE 6 Registered nurses Registered nurses include persons with at least a three year training certificate and nurses holding post graduate qualifications. Registered nurses must be registered with the national registration board. This is a comprehensive category and includes community mental health, general nurse, intellectual disability nurse, midwife (including pupil midwife), psychiatric nurse, senior nurse, charge nurse (now unit manager), supervisory nurse and nurse educator. This category also includes nurses engaged in administrative duties no matter what the extent of their engagement, for example, directors of nursing and assistant directors of nursing. CODE 7 Specialist salaried medical officers (SMOs) Specialist medical officers employed by the establishment on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical officers engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis. This metadata item includes specialist salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent). CODE 8 Other salaried medical officers (SMOs) Non-specialist medical officers employed by the establishment on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical offices engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis. This category includes non-specialist salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent). CODE 9 Student nurses Student nurses are persons employed by the establishment currently studying in years one to three of a three year certificate course. This includes any person commencing or undertaking a three year course of training leading to registration as a nurse by the national registration board. This includes full-time general student nurse and specialist student nurse, such as mental deficiency nurse, but excludes practising nurses enrolled in post basic training courses. CODE 10 Trainee/pupil nurses Trainee/pupil nurse includes any person commencing or undertaking a 1-year course of training leading to registration as an enrolled nurse on the national registration board (includes all trainee nurses). Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—full-time equivalent staff, average N[NNN{.N}] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Full-time equivalent staffing data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Recurrent contracted care expenditure data element cluster

Recurrent contracted care expenditure data element cluster

Recurrent contracted care expenditure product streams

Establishment—recurrent contracted care expenditure, National Health Reform Agreement 2011 product streams code N[N] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent contracted care expenditure product streams METeOR identifier: 552598 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The product streams relating to the National Health Reform Agreement for total recurrent contracted care expenditure incurred by an establishment, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent contracted care expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Admitted acute care 2 Admitted subacute care 3 Other admitted care 4 Emergency care services 5 Non-admitted care (in-scope for NHRA) 6 Direct teaching, training and research 7 Commonwealth funded aged care 8 Other aged care 9 Non-admitted care (out of scope for NHRA) 88 Other (out of scope for NHRA) Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The scope of the National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) should be defined using the most recent National Efficient Price Determination produced by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA). CODE 1 Admitted acute care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving acute care, including expenditure associated with the care of unqualified newborns (which would be reported under the mother's episode of care). CODE 2 Admitted subacute care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving subacute care. CODE 3 Other admitted care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for other admitted patients, including expenditure associated with maintenance care. CODE 4 Emergency care services The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving care through emergency care services. Excludes admitted patients receiving care through the emergency department. The definition of emergency care services for ABF purposes is available at the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority website - CODE 5 Non-admitted care (in-scope for NHRA) The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed to be in-scope of the National Health Reform Agreement. CODE 6 Direct teaching, training and research The expenditure incurred by an establishment for direct teaching, training and research. CODE 7 Commonwealth funded aged care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for Australian Government funded aged care patients (including residential aged care and Multi-Purpose Services). CODE 8 Other aged care The expenditure incurred by establishments for other aged care patients, excluding Australian Government funded aged care patients (such as residential aged care and Multi-Purpose Services). CODE 9 Non-admitted care (out of scope for NHRA) The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed not to be in-scope of the National Health Reform Agreement. CODE 88 Other (out of scope for NHRA) The expenditure incurred by an establishment on services not reported elsewhere for a financial year. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Public Hospital Establishments NMDS Working Group Reference documents: Data element attributes Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Recurrent contracted care expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 20/05/2015

Tipo de datos


Recurrent contracted care expenditure in Australian dollars

Establishment—recurrent contracted care expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(13)] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent contracted care expenditure in Australian dollars METeOR identifier: 608233 Registration status: Health, Standard 20/05/2015 Definition: All recurrent expenditure on the provision of contracted care by private hospitals incurred by an establishment, measured in Australian dollars. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent contracted care expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(13)] Maximum character length: 14 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to tens of trillions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—recurrent contracted care expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 20/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Recurrent contracted care expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 20/05/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster

Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster

Estimated data indicator

Establishment—data estimated indicator, yes/no code N Maximum occurences: 16 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Estimated data indicator METeOR identifier: 548891 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether data relating to an establishment have been estimated, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—data estimated indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 DSS specific information: This data element is used in conjunction with Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N]. Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Revenue data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to indicate where data have been estimated rather than directly sourced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Revenue data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Recurrent non-salary public hospital expenditure categories

Establishment—recurrent non-salary expenditure categories, code N[N] Maximum occurences: 16 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent non-salary public hospital expenditure categories METeOR identifier: 542106 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The categories of recurrent expenditure incurred by establishments, excluding salaries and wages, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent non-salary expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Administrative expenses - insurance 2 Administrative expenses - other 3 Depreciation - building 4 Depreciation - other 5 Domestic services 6 Interest payments 7 Lease costs 8 Patient transport costs 9 Repairs and maintenance 10 Superannuation employer contributions 11 Other on-costs 12 Supplies - drug 13 Supplies - food 14 Supplies - medical and surgical 15 Visiting medical officer payments 88 Not elsewhere recorded Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Administrative expenses - insurance The expenditure incurred by establishments for the purposes of insurance (excluding workers' compensation premiums and medical indemnity). CODE 2 Administrative expenses - other The expenditure incurred by establishments of a management expenses/administrative support nature such as any rates and taxes, printing, telephone, stationery but excluding insurance, workers' compensation premiums and medical indemnity. CODE 3 Depreciation - building A building is a rigid, fixed and permanent structure which has a roof (ABS 2011). Building depreciation includes depreciation charges for buildings and fixed fit-out such as items fitted to the building (e.g. lights, partitions etc.). This item includes charges from public private partnerships (PPP) involving the supply and use of buildings. For this purpose, 'supply' is considered to be the interest payments on the building and 'use' is considered to be the expenditure through the special purpose vehicle. Maintenance and repairs are excluded and should be reported against Code 9. A PPP contract may also include expense for other expenditure such as cleaning or security services. Expenditure relating to these services will be reported under the appropriate code such as Code 5 Domestic Services. Only PPP Interest and Special Purposes Vehicle (SPV) expense should be reported in Code 3 Depreciation - building. Building depreciation should be identified separately from other depreciation and other recurrent expenditure categories. CODE 4 Depreciation - other Other depreciation should be identified separately from building depreciation and other recurrent expenditure categories. CODE 5 Domestic services The expenditure incurred by establishments on domestic services include electricity, other fuel and power, domestic services for staff, accommodation and kitchen expenses but not including salaries and wages, food costs or equipment replacement and repair costs. CODE 6 Interest payments Payments made by or on behalf of the establishment in respect of borrowings (e.g. interest on bank overdraft) provided the establishment is permitted to borrow. This does not include the cost of equity capital (i.e. dividends on shares) in respect of profit-making private establishments. CODE 7 Lease costs A lease is an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for a payment or series of payments the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time. CODE 8 Patient transport costs The expenditure incurred by establishments on transporting patients excluding salaries and wages of transport staff where payment is made by an establishment. CODE 9 Repairs and maintenance The expenditure incurred by establishments on maintaining, repairing, replacing and providing additional equipment, maintaining and renovating building and minor additional works. CODE 10 Superannuation employer contribution Contributions paid in Australian dollars or (for an emerging cost scheme) that should be paid (as determined by an actuary) on behalf of establishment employees by the establishment to a superannuation fund providing retirement and related benefits to establishment employees, for a financial year. The definition specifically excludes employee superannuation contributions (not a cost to the establishment) and superannuation final benefit payments. The following different funding bases are identified: • paid by hospital to fully funded scheme; • paid by Commonwealth Government or State government to fully funded scheme; • unfunded or emerging costs schemes where employer component is not presently funded. Fully funded schemes are those in which employer and employee contributions are paid into an invested fund. Benefits are paid from the fund. Most private sector schemes are fully funded. Emerging cost schemes are those in which the cost of benefits is met at the time a benefit becomes payable; that is, there is no ongoing invested fund from which benefits are paid. The Commonwealth superannuation fund is an example of this type of scheme as employee benefits are paid out of general revenue. CODE 11 Other on-costs The expenditure incurred by establishments on employee-related expenses, excluding salaries, wages and superannuation employer contributions, paid on behalf of establishment either by the establishment, or another organisation such as a state health authority. The definition specifically excludes: • salaries, wages and supplements for all employees of the organisation (including contract staff employed by an agency, provided staffing data are also available) • superannuation employer contributions paid or for an emerging cost scheme, that should be paid (as determined by an actuary) on behalf of establishment employees either by the establishment or another organisation such as a state health authority, to a superannuation fund providing retirement and related benefits to establishment employees. • workers' compensation premiums • all paid leave (recreation, sick and long-service). The definition includes: • salary and wage payments relating to workers' compensation leave • payroll tax, fringe benefits tax and redundancy payments. CODE 12 Supplies - drug The expenditure incurred by establishments on all drugs including the cost of containers. CODE 13 Supplies - food The expenditure incurred by establishments on all food and beverages but not including kitchen expenses such as utensils, cleaning materials, cutlery and crockery. CODE 14 Supplies - medical and surgical The expenditure incurred by establishments on all consumables of a medical or surgical nature (excluding drug supplies) but not including expenditure on equipment repairs. CODE 15 Visiting medical officer payments The expenditure incurred by establishments to visiting medical officers for medical services provided to hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis. All payments made by an institutional health care establishment to visiting medical officers for medical services provided to hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis. A visiting medical officer is a medical practitioner appointed by the hospital board to provide medical services for hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis. This category includes the same Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations codes as the salaried medical officers category. CODE 88 Not elsewhere recorded The expenditure incurred by establishments on all other recurrent expenditure not elsewhere recorded. Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets (except for inter-hospital transfers). Includes expenditure by the establishment on contracted care arrangements. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes salary and wage payments and premiums relating to workers' compensation leave. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—recurrent non-salary expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Recurrent non-salary expenditure total dollars

Establishment—recurrent non-salary expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Maximum occurences: 16 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent non-salary expenditure total dollars METeOR identifier: 542155 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The recurrent expenditure incurred by establishments, excluding salaries and wages, measured in Australian dollars. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent non-salary expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Round to nearest whole dollar. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—recurrent non-salary expenditure categories, code N[N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster

Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster

Estimated data indicator

Establishment—data estimated indicator, yes/no code N Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Estimated data indicator METeOR identifier: 548891 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether data relating to an establishment have been estimated, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—data estimated indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 DSS specific information: This data element is used in conjunction with Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N]. Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Revenue data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to indicate where data have been estimated rather than directly sourced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Revenue data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Salaries and wages

Establishment—recurrent salaries and wages expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Salaries and wages METeOR identifier: 541973 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: Recurrent expenditure on salaries and wages to employees of an establishment, measured in Australian dollars. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent salaries and wages expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Establishment staffing categories

Establishment—staffing categories, health code N[N] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Establishment staffing categories METeOR identifier: 542001 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The categories of staffing used types by an establishment, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—staffing categories Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Administrative and clerical staff 2 Diagnostic and health professionals 3 Domestic and other staff 4 Enrolled nurses 5 Other personal care staff 6 Registered nurses 7 Specialist salaried medical officers (SMOs) 8 Other salaried medical officers (SMOs) 9 Student nurses 10 Trainee/pupil nurses Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Administrative and clerical staff Administrative and clerical staff are staff engaged in administrative and clerical duties. Medical staff and nursing staff, diagnostic and health professionals and any domestic staff primarily or partly engaged in administrative and clerical duties are excluded. Civil engineers and computing staff are included in this category. CODE 2 Diagnostic and health professionals Diagnostic and health professionals are qualified staff (other than qualified medical and nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature (but also including diagnostic and health professionals whose duties are primarily or partly of an administrative nature). This category includes all allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff). CODE 3 Domestic and other staff Domestic staff are staff engaged in the provision of food and cleaning services including domestic staff primarily engaged in administrative duties such as food services manager. Dieticians are excluded. This category also includes all staff not elsewhere included (primarily maintenance staff, trades people and gardening staff). CODE 4 Enrolled nurses Enrolled nurses are registered with the national registration board to practise in this capacity. Includes general enrolled nurse and specialist enrolled nurse (e.g. mothercraft nurses). CODE 5 Other personal care staff This category includes attendants, assistants or home assistance, home companions, family aides, ward helpers, warders, orderlies, ward assistants and nursing assistants engaged primarily in the provision of personal care to patients or residents, who are not formally qualified or undergoing training in nursing or allied health professions. CODE 6 Registered nurses Registered nurses include persons with at least a three year training certificate and nurses holding post graduate qualifications. Registered nurses must be registered with the national registration board. This is a comprehensive category and includes community mental health, general nurse, intellectual disability nurse, midwife (including pupil midwife), psychiatric nurse, senior nurse, charge nurse (now unit manager), supervisory nurse and nurse educator. This category also includes nurses engaged in administrative duties no matter what the extent of their engagement, for example, directors of nursing and assistant directors of nursing. CODE 7 Specialist salaried medical officers (SMOs) Specialist medical officers employed by the establishment on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical officers engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis. This metadata item includes specialist salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent). CODE 8 Other salaried medical officers (SMOs) Non-specialist medical officers employed by the establishment on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical offices engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis. This category includes non-specialist salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent). CODE 9 Student nurses Student nurses are persons employed by the establishment currently studying in years one to three of a three year certificate course. This includes any person commencing or undertaking a three year course of training leading to registration as a nurse by the national registration board. This includes full-time general student nurse and specialist student nurse, such as mental deficiency nurse, but excludes practising nurses enrolled in post basic training courses. CODE 10 Trainee/pupil nurses Trainee/pupil nurse includes any person commencing or undertaking a 1-year course of training leading to registration as an enrolled nurse on the national registration board (includes all trainee nurses). Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—full-time equivalent staff, average N[NNN{.N}] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Full-time equivalent staffing data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Revenue data element cluster

Revenue data element cluster

Estimated data indicator

Establishment—data estimated indicator, yes/no code N Maximum occurences: 11 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Estimated data indicator METeOR identifier: 548891 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether data relating to an establishment have been estimated, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—data estimated indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 DSS specific information: This data element is used in conjunction with Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N]. Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Revenue data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to indicate where data have been estimated rather than directly sourced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Revenue data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Public hospital related revenue categories

Establishment—public hospital related revenue, revenue streams code N[N] Maximum occurences: 11 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Public hospital related revenue categories METeOR identifier: 545906 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: Categories of revenue related to public hospitals received by an establishment, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—public hospital related revenue Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Department of Veterans' Affairs 2 Compensable schemes 3 Other patient revenue 4 Commonwealth funding/subsidies 5 State or territory health authority funding 6 Other state or territory funding 7 National Health Funding Pool - state or territory government component 8 National Health Funding Pool - Commonwealth government component 9 Infrastructure/facility fees 10 Other recoveries 11 Revenue not elsewhere reported Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Department of Veterans' Affairs All Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) patient revenue received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges. Includes revenues received for health services provided to veterans, war widows and widowers with gold or white DVA cards. Types of services include public and private hospitals, local medical officers and specialists, residential aged care subsidy, allied health, rehabilitation appliances, dental services, community nursing, Veterans' Home Care and travel for treatment. Excludes revenues received for pharmaceuticals provided to veterans, war widows and widowers with gold, white or orange DVA cards. Also excludes revenue received from the Department of Defence. CODE 2 Compensable schemes All revenue from compensation schemes received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges. Compensation schemes for this data element include workers compensation insurance, motor vehicle third party insurance and other compensation (e.g. public liability, common law, medical negligence). Workers compensation insurance includes benefits paid under workers compensation insurance to the establishment provided to workers, including trainees and apprentices, who have experienced a work-related injury. Type of benefits includes fees for medical or related treatment. Motor vehicle third party insurance includes personal injury claims arising from motor accidents and compensation for accident victims and their families for injuries or death. Other compensation includes revenues received from benefits paid under public liability, common law and medical negligence. Also includes revenue from: • accident and sickness insurance • life insurance • general insurance • other insurance business excluded by the Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules • overseas visitors for whom travel insurance is the major funding source. CODE 3 Other patient revenue All revenue received by an establishment in respect of individual patient liability for accommodation and other establishment charges, but excluding Department of Veterans' Affairs and compensation scheme patient revenue. Other patient revenue includes revenue from private health insurance. Private health insurance includes revenue from businesses mainly engaged in providing insurance cover for hospital, medical, dental or pharmaceutical expenses or costs. Includes revenue received from the Department of Defence. Excludes: • Accident and sickness insurance • Liability insurance • Life insurance • General insurance • Other insurance business excluded by the Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules • Overseas visitors for whom travel insurance is the major funding source. CODE 4 Commonwealth funding/subsidies All revenue paid directly by the Commonwealth Government to an establishment for services within the scope of the collection. Includes funding for transition care, residential aged care subsidies (including MPS payments), aged care assessment, Home and Community Care and Section 100 drugs. Excludes payments related to the National Health Funding Pool. CODE 5 State or territory health authority funding All revenue provided by the state or territory health authority, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Excludes payments related to the National Health Funding Pool. CODE 6 Other state or territory funding All revenue provided by state or territory funding sources from government departments external to the state/territory health authority used to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. CODE 7 National Health Funding Pool - state or territory component Revenue provided by the National Health Funding Pool, including Activity Based Funding payments, used by an establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Includes only those funds in the pool that were provided by the state or territory government. CODE 8 National Health Funding Pool - Commonwealth government component Revenue provided by the National Health Funding Pool, including Activity Based Funding payments, used by establishment to support the delivery and/or administration of services within the scope of the collection. Includes only those funds in the pool that were provided by the Commonwealth government. CODE 9 Infrastructure/facility fees All infrastructure or facility fees revenue received by an establishment. Infrastructure or facility fees are income received from the use of hospital facilities by salaried medical officers exercising their rights of private practice and by private practitioners treating private patients in hospital. CODE 10 Other recoveries Revenue that is in the nature of a recovery or expenditure incurred, including income from provision of meals and accommodation, but excluding infrastructure and facility fees. CODE 11 Revenue not reported elsewhere Revenue that was received by the establishment that has not been reported elsewhere. Includes revenue received by the establishment for the provision of services under contracted care arrangements. Collection methods: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—public hospital related revenue, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Revenue data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Public hospital related revenue in Australian dollars

Establishment—public hospital related revenue, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Maximum occurences: 11 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Public hospital related revenue in Australian dollars METeOR identifier: 542019 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The revenue relating to public hospitals received by an establishment, measured in Australian dollars. Data Element Concept: Establishment—public hospital related revenue Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—public hospital related revenue, revenue streams code N[N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Revenue data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

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Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Total recurrent expenditure on National Health Reform Agreement product streams data element cluster

Total recurrent expenditure on National Health Reform Agreement product streams data element cluster

Recurrent expenditure by NHRA product streams

Establishment—total recurrent expenditure, National Health Reform Agreement 2011 product streams code N[N] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure by NHRA product streams METeOR identifier: 540184 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The product streams related to the National Health Reform Agreement for all recurrent expenditure incurred by an establishment, including salaries and wages, depreciation, and other non-salary recurrent expenditure (such as lease costs, administration expenses, contracted care and domestic services), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—total recurrent expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Admitted acute care 2 Admitted subacute care 3 Other admitted care 4 Emergency care services 5 Non-admitted care (in-scope for NHRA) 6 Direct teaching, training and research 7 Commonwealth funded aged care 8 Other aged care 9 Non-admitted care (out of scope for NHRA) 88 Other (out of scope for NHRA) Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The scope of the National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) should be defined using the most recent National Efficient Price Determination produced by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA). CODE 1 Admitted acute care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving acute care, including expenditure associated with the care of unqualified newborns (which would be reported under the mother's episode of care). CODE 2 Admitted subacute care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for admitted patients receiving subacute care. CODE 3 Other admitted care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for other admitted patients, including expenditure associated with maintenance care. CODE 4 Emergency care services The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving care through emergency care services. Excludes admitted patients receiving care through the emergency department. The definition of emergency care services for ABF purposes is available at the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority website - CODE 5 Non-admitted care (in-scope for NHRA) The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed to be in-scope of the National Health Reform Agreement. CODE 6 Direct teaching, training and research The expenditure incurred by an establishment for direct teaching, training and research. CODE 7 Commonwealth funded aged care The expenditure incurred by an establishment for Australian Government funded aged care patients (including residential aged care and Multi-Purpose Services). CODE 8 Other aged care The expenditure incurred by establishments for other aged care patients, excluding Australian Government funded aged care patients (such as residential aged care and Multi-Purpose Services). CODE 9 Non-admitted care (out of scope for NHRA) The expenditure incurred by an establishment on non-admitted patients receiving services deemed not to be in-scope of the National Health Reform Agreement. CODE 88 Other (out of scope for NHRA) The expenditure incurred by an establishment on services not reported elsewhere for a financial year. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Public Hospital Establishments NMDS Working Group Reference documents: Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The total of recurrent expenditure for all product streams plus depreciation should equal the sum of all recurrent non-salary expenditure and recurrent salaries and wages expenditure. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—total recurrent expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(13)] Health, Standard 20/05/2015 See also Establishment—total recurrent expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 20/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Total recurrent expenditure on National Health Reform Agreement product streams data element cluster Health, Standard 20/05/2015

Tipo de datos


Total recurrent expenditure in Australian dollars

Establishment—total recurrent expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(13)] Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Total recurrent expenditure in Australian dollars METeOR identifier: 608186 Registration status: Health, Standard 20/05/2015 Definition: All recurrent expenditure incurred by an establishment, including salaries and wages, depreciation, and other non-salary recurrent expenditure (such as lease costs, administration expenses, contracted care and domestic services), measured in Australian dollars. Data Element Concept: Establishment—total recurrent expenditure Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(13)] Maximum character length: 14 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Total recurrent expenditure on National Health Reform Agreement product streams data element cluster DSS specific information: Expenditure reported against this is estimated by jurisdictions. The costing methodology used in preparation of data for the National Hospital Costing Data Collection should also be applied in the generation for data for this item. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to tens of trillions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—total recurrent expenditure, National Health Reform Agreement 2011 product streams code N[N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Supersedes Establishment—total recurrent expenditure, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 20/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Total recurrent expenditure on National Health Reform Agreement product streams data element cluster Health, Standard 20/05/2015

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Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Available bed

Available bed

Average available beds for admitted contracted care

Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Average available beds for admitted contracted care METeOR identifier: 552334 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: The number of beds available to care for admitted patients that an establishment provides via contractual arrangements with private hospitals. Data Element Concept: Available bed—admitted contracted care Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN.N] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Bed Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Average available beds, rounded to the nearest decimal or whole number. Data set specification specific attributes Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 DSS specific information: This data element is used in conjunction with Establishment—data estimate indicator, yes/no code N. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Where available, actual data should be reported. Where actual data are not available, this measure can be calculated by dividing the total contracted patient days by the number of days in the period, e.g. in a normal year, a hospital records 4000 contracted care patient days – the average available contracted care beds would be 4000/365 = 11.0. Collection methods: Beds exclusively or predominantly for overnight-stay admitted care and same-day admitted care are collected and reported. Comments: This data element is necessary to provide an indicator of the availability of admitted patient care provided under contracted care arrangements by an establishment. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—data estimated indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

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Unidades de medida
  • beds


Australian State/Territory identifier (establishment)

Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Australian State/Territory identifier (establishment) METeOR identifier: 269941 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Definition: An identifier of the Australian state or territory in which an establishment is located, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 New South Wales 2 Victoria 3 Queensland 4 South Australia 5 Western Australia 6 Tasmania 7 Northern Territory 8 Australian Capital Territory 9 Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory) Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The order presented here is the standard for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Other organisations (including the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) publish data in state order based on population (that is, Western Australia before South Australia and Australian Capital Territory before Northern Territory). Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). Cat No. 1216.0. Canberra: ABS. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This metadata item applies to the location of the establishment and not to the patient's area of usual residence. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: National Health Data Committee National Community Services Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Australian State/Territory identifier, version 4, DE, Int. NCSDD & NHDD, NCSIMG & NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.8 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Is used in the formation of Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Standard 13/11/2014, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2005) NNNNN Health, Superseded 14/09/2006 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2006) NNNNN Health, Superseded 05/02/2008 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2007) NNNNN Health, Superseded 04/02/2009 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Health, Superseded 02/10/2009 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Health, Superseded 17/12/2010 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2010) NNNNN Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2011) NNNNN Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Is used in the formation of Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 Is used in the formation of Hospital—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Is used in the formation of Maternity model of care—identifier, NNNNNN Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2004) NNNNN Health, Superseded 21/03/2006 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2005) NNNNN Health, Superseded 14/09/2006 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2006) NNNNN Health, Superseded 05/02/2008 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2007) NNNNN Health, Superseded 04/02/2009 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Health, Superseded 02/10/2009 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Health, Superseded 17/12/2010 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2010) NNNNN Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2011) NNNNN Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Bowel cancer diagnostic assessment cluster Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prison establishments DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20a-Waiting times for elective surgery: waiting times in days, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20b-Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion seen on time, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015

Tipo de datos


Estimated data indicator

Establishment—data estimated indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Estimated data indicator METeOR identifier: 548891 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether data relating to an establishment have been estimated, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—data estimated indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 DSS specific information: This data element is used in conjunction with Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N]. Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Revenue data element cluster DSS specific information: This data element is used to indicate where financial data have been estimated rather than directly sourced from the general ledger, audited accounts or other financial systems. The PHE NMDS Working Group strongly supported the inclusion of a data element to indicate where data had been estimated or apportioned, as a way of informing data users of situations where the data do not reflect the actual items in the general ledger. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to indicate where data have been estimated rather than directly sourced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: PHE NMDS Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Available bed—admitted contracted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Revenue data element cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014

Tipo de datos


Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—buildings and building services

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—buildings and building services METeOR identifier: 270521 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of buildings and building services (including plant). Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

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Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—constructions

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—constructions METeOR identifier: 270526 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of constructions (other than buildings). Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

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Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—equipment

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—equipment METeOR identifier: 270525 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of equipment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

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Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—information technology

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—information technology METeOR identifier: 270527 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of information technology. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—intangible assets

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—intangible assets METeOR identifier: 270522 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of intangible assets. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—land

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—land METeOR identifier: 270528 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of land. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—major medical equipment

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—major medical equipment METeOR identifier: 269968 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of major medical equipment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—other equipment

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—other equipment METeOR identifier: 270523 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of other equipment, such as furniture, art objects, professional instruments and containers. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—transport

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—transport METeOR identifier: 270524 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of transport. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - gross (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure—computer equipment/installations

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (computer equipment/installations) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure—computer equipment/installations METeOR identifier: 270520 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on computer equipment/installations. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (computer equipment/installations) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure—intangible assets

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (intangible assets) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure—intangible assets METeOR identifier: 270517 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in relation to intangible assets. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (intangible assets) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure—land and buildings

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (land and buildings) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure—land and buildings METeOR identifier: 270519 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on land and buildings. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (land and buildings) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure—major medical equipment

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (major medical equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure—major medical equipment METeOR identifier: 269966 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on major medical equipment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (major medical equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure—other

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (other capital expenditure) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure—other METeOR identifier: 270516 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Other gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, which are not included elsewhere. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (other capital expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Gross capital expenditure—plant and other equipment

Establishment—gross capital expenditure (plant and other equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Gross capital expenditure—plant and other equipment METeOR identifier: 270518 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on plant and other equipment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—gross capital expenditure (plant and other equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to the nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Local Hospital Network identifier

Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Local Hospital Network identifier Synonymous names: LHN ID; Local Health District identifier (NSW); Hospital and Health Service identifier (Qld); Local Health Network identifier (SA); Tasmanian Health Organisation identifier METeOR identifier: 584333 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Definition: A unique Local Hospital Network (LHN) identifier for an establishment within a jurisdiction, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: NNN Maximum character length: 3 Permissible values: Value Meaning 101 South Eastern Sydney 102 Sydney 103 South Western Sydney 104 Western Sydney 105 Nepean Blue Mountains 106 Northern Sydney 107 Central Coast 108 Illawarra Shoalhaven 109 Hunter New England 110 Mid North Coast 111 Northern NSW 112 Western NSW 113 Southern NSW 114 Murrumbidgee 115 Far West 117 Sydney Children's Hospitals Network 118 St Vincent's Health Network 119 Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health 201 Beaufort and Skipton Health Service 202 East Grampians Health Service 203 Ballarat Health Services 204 Stawell Regional Health 205 East Wimmera Health Service 206 Hepburn Health Service 207 Maryborough District Health Service 208 Djerriwarrh Health Service (Vic) 209 Western Health (Vic) 210 Bendigo Health Care Group 211 Heathcote Health 212 Swan Hill District Health 213 Cohuna District Hospital 214 Echuca Regional Health 215 Kerang District Health 216 Maldon Hospital 218 Boort District Health 219 Rochester and Elmore District Health Service 220 Inglewood and District Health Service 221 Castlemaine Health 222 Kyneton District Health Service 223 Royal Children's Hospital (Melbourne) 224 Royal Women's Hospital (Melbourne) 225 Melbourne Health 226 Northern Health (Vic) 227 Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health 228 Colac Area Health 229 Hesse Rural Health Service (Winchelsea) 230 Otway Health and Community Services (Apollo Bay) 231 Barwon Health 232 Lorne Community Hospital 233 Alexandra District Hospital 234 Eastern Health (Vic) 235 Goulburn Valley Health 236 Kyabram and District Health Service 237 Numurkah and District Health Service 238 Nathalia District Hospital 239 Cobram District Hospital 240 Seymour District Memorial Hospital 241 Kilmore and District Hospital 242 Yea and District Memorial Hospital 243 Northeast Health Wangaratta 244 Yarrawonga District Health Service 245 Alpine Health (Vic) 246 Mansfield District Hospital 247 Benalla and District Memorial Hospital 248 Tallangatta Health Service 249 Albury Wodonga Health 250 Upper Murray Health and Community Services (Corryong) 251 Beechworth Health Service 252 West Gippsland Healthcare Group 253 Bass Coast Regional Health 254 Gippsland Southern Health Service 255 South Gippsland Hospital (Foster) 256 Bairnsdale Regional Health Service 257 Yarram and District Health Service 258 Omeo District Health 259 Central Gippsland Health Service 260 Latrobe Regional Hospital 261 Orbost Regional Health 262 St Vincent's Hospital (Melbourne) Limited 263 Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital 264 Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute (Vic) 266 Austin Health (Vic) 267 Mercy Public Hospital Inc. (Vic) 268 Alfred Health (Vic) 269 Monash Health 270 Peninsula Health (Vic) 271 Kooweerup Regional Health Service 274 Rural Northwest Health (Vic) 275 Wimmera Health Care Group 276 Dunmunkle Health Services 277 West Wimmera Health Service 278 Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital 279 Mildura Base Hospital 280 Mallee Track Health and Community Service 281 Robinvale District Health Services 282 Western District Health Service (Vic) 283 Casterton Memorial Hospital 284 South West Healthcare (Vic) 285 Heywood Rural Health 286 Timboon and District Healthcare Service 287 Moyne Health Services (Port Fairy) 288 Portland District Health 289 Terang and Mortlake Health Service (Terang) 290 Calvary Health Care Bethlehem Limited 312 Cairns and Hinterland 313 Townsville 314 Mackay 315 North West (Qld) 316 Central Queensland 317 Central West (Qld) 318 Wide Bay 319 Sunshine Coast 320 Metro North (Qld) 321 Children's Health Queensland 322 Metro South (Qld) 323 Gold Coast 324 West Moreton 325 Darling Downs 326 South West (Qld) 327 Torres and Cape 401 Northern Adelaide 402 Central Adelaide 403 Southern Adelaide 404 Country Health SA 405 Women's and Children's Health Network (SA) 501 North Metropolitan Health Service (WA) 502 South Metropolitan Health Service (WA) 503 WA Country Health Service 580 Child Adolescent Health Service (WA) 590 Notional Local Hospital Network (Royal St.) 601 Tasmanian Health Organisation - South 602 Tasmanian Health Organisation - North 603 Tasmanian Health Organisation - North West 701 Top End (NT) 702 Central Australia (NT) 801 Australian Capital Territory Supplementary values: 199 New South Wales Virtual Local Hospital Network 299 Victoria Virtual Local Hospital Network 399 Queensland Virtual Local Hospital Network 499 South Australia Virtual Local Hospital Network 599 Western Australia Virtual Local Hospital Network 699 Tasmania Virtual Local Hospital Network 799 Northern Territory Virtual Local Hospital Network 899 Australian Capital Territory Virtual Local Hospital Network 900 Virtual Local Hospital Network - Unknown 997 Not applicable 998 Unknown 999 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A total of 136 Local Hospital Networks have been established across the states and territories. Of these, 122 are geographically based networks and 14 are state or territory-wide networks that may deliver specialised hospital services across some jurisdictions. CODE 101 South Eastern Sydney Includes Lord Howe Island. Codes 217, 265, 272, 310 and 311 have been deleted from previous versions of the list of permissible values and are not to be reused. For activity based funding purposes, a virtual Local Hospital Network identifier exists for each jurisdiction. Virtual Local Hospital Networks are entities that are only used for reporting services that are in-scope for activity based funding but which cannot be allocated to an established Local Hospital Network. The various virtual Local Hospital Network identifiers are intended to be primarily used to enable reconciliation of activity reported for funding purposes. Comments: Some jurisdictions have their own local terminology for the areas and administrative units known nationally as Local Hospital Networks. For example, in New South Wales they are known as 'Local Health Districts', in Queensland they are known as 'Hospital and Health Services', in Western Australia they are known as Health Services, in South Australia they are known as 'Local Health Networks', and in Tasmania they are known as 'Tasmanian Health Organisations'. More information about Local Hospital Networks is available through the Local Hospital Network portal on the Department of Health website: Department of Health, Canberra. Viewed 15 November 2013, Content/lochospnetwork Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A concatenation of: Australian state/territory identifier (character position 1); State/Territory-specific hospital network identifier (character positions 2-3). Comments: The Local Hospital Network identifier should be able to distinguish between all public hospital administrative areas or units nationally. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Supersedes Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Non-admitted patient care hospital aggregate NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 24/10/2014 Non-admitted patient care Local Hospital Network aggregate DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 13/09/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—buildings and building services

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—buildings and building services METeOR identifier: 269969 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on buildings and building services (including plant). Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—constructions

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—constructions METeOR identifier: 270531 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on constructions (other than buildings). Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—equipment

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—equipment METeOR identifier: 270534 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on equipment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—information technology

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—information technology METeOR identifier: 270529 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on information technology. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—intangible assets

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—intangible assets METeOR identifier: 270535 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on intangible assets. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—land

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—land METeOR identifier: 270536 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on land. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—major medical equipment

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—major medical equipment METeOR identifier: 270530 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on major medical equipment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—other equipment

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—other equipment METeOR identifier: 270533 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on other equipment, such as furniture, art objects, professional instruments and containers. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—transport

Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—transport METeOR identifier: 270532 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Net capital expenditure measured in Australian dollars on transport. Data Element Concept: Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Round to nearest dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Capital expenditure - net (accrual accounting), version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015

Tipo de datos


Unidades de medida
  • AU$
Establishment number

Establishment—organisation identifier (state/territory), NNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Establishment number METeOR identifier: 269975 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/11/2013 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Definition: An identifier for an establishment, unique within the state or territory. Data Element Concept: Establishment—organisation identifier (state/territory) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: Number Format: NNNNN Maximum character length: 5 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Comments: Identifier should be a unique code for the health care establishment used in that state/territory. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment number, version 4, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005 .pdf (14.6 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 See also Hospital—hospital identifier, XXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012

Tipo de datos


Similar models

Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Tipo de datos
Item Group
Full-time equivalent staffing data element cluster
Full-time equivalent staff (paid), average
Full-time equivalent staff—average
Establishment staffing categories
Code List
Establishment staffing categories
CL Item
Administrative and clerical staff (1)
CL Item
Diagnostic and health professionals  (2)
CL Item
Domestic and other staff (3)
CL Item
Enrolled nurses (4)
CL Item
Other personal care staff (5)
CL Item
Registered nurses (6)
CL Item
Specialist salaried medical officers (SMOs) (7)
CL Item
Other salaried medical officers (SMOs) (8)
CL Item
Student nurses (9)
CL Item
Trainee/pupil nurses (10)
Item Group
Recurrent contracted care expenditure data element cluster
Recurrent contracted care expenditure product streams
Code List
Recurrent contracted care expenditure product streams
CL Item
Admitted acute care (1)
CL Item
Admitted subacute care (2)
CL Item
Other admitted care (3)
CL Item
Emergency care services (4)
CL Item
Non-admitted care (in-scope for NHRA) (5)
CL Item
Direct teaching, training and research (6)
CL Item
Commonwealth funded aged care (7)
CL Item
Other aged care (8)
CL Item
Non-admitted care (out of scope for NHRA) (9)
CL Item
Other (out of scope for NHRA) (88)
Recurrent contracted care expenditure
Recurrent contracted care expenditure in Australian dollars
Item Group
Recurrent non-salary expenditure data element cluster
Estimated data indicator
Estimated data indicator
Recurrent non-salary public hospital expenditure categories
Code List
Recurrent non-salary public hospital expenditure categories
CL Item
Administrative expenses - insurance (1)
CL Item
Administrative expenses - other  (2)
CL Item
Depreciation - building (3)
CL Item
Depreciation - other  (4)
CL Item
Domestic services  (5)
CL Item
Interest payments  (6)
CL Item
Lease costs (7)
CL Item
Patient transport costs (8)
CL Item
Repairs and maintenance (9)
CL Item
Superannuation employer contributions  (10)
CL Item
Other on-costs (11)
CL Item
Supplies - drug (12)
CL Item
Supplies - food (13)
CL Item
Supplies - medical and surgical (14)
CL Item
Visiting medical officer payments (15)
CL Item
Not elsewhere recorded (88)
Recurrent non-salary expenditure
Recurrent non-salary expenditure total dollars
Item Group
Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure data element cluster
Estimated data indicator
Estimated data indicator
Recurrent salaries and wages expenditure
Salaries and wages
Establishment staffing categories
Code List
Establishment staffing categories
CL Item
Administrative and clerical staff (1)
CL Item
Diagnostic and health professionals  (2)
CL Item
Domestic and other staff (3)
CL Item
Enrolled nurses (4)
CL Item
Other personal care staff (5)
CL Item
Registered nurses (6)
CL Item
Specialist salaried medical officers (SMOs) (7)
CL Item
Other salaried medical officers (SMOs) (8)
CL Item
Student nurses (9)
CL Item
Trainee/pupil nurses (10)
Item Group
Revenue data element cluster
Estimated data indicator
Estimated data indicator
Public hospital related revenue categories
Code List
Public hospital related revenue categories
CL Item
Department of Veterans' Affairs (1)
CL Item
Compensable schemes (2)
CL Item
Other patient revenue (3)
CL Item
Commonwealth funding/subsidies (4)
CL Item
State or territory health authority funding (5)
CL Item
Other state or territory funding (6)
CL Item
National Health Funding Pool - state or territory government component (7)
CL Item
National Health Funding Pool - Commonwealth government component (8)
CL Item
Infrastructure/facility fees (9)
CL Item
Other recoveries (10)
CL Item
Revenue not elsewhere reported (11)
Public hospital related revenue
Public hospital related revenue in Australian dollars
Item Group
Total recurrent expenditure on National Health Reform Agreement product streams data element cluster
Recurrent expenditure by NHRA product streams
Code List
Recurrent expenditure by NHRA product streams
CL Item
Admitted acute care (1)
CL Item
Admitted subacute care (2)
CL Item
Other admitted care (3)
CL Item
Emergency care services (4)
CL Item
Non-admitted care (in-scope for NHRA) (5)
CL Item
Direct teaching, training and research (6)
CL Item
Commonwealth funded aged care (7)
CL Item
Other aged care (8)
CL Item
Non-admitted care (out of scope for NHRA) (9)
CL Item
Other (out of scope for NHRA) (88)
Total recurrent expenditure
Total recurrent expenditure in Australian dollars
Item Group
Available bed
Admitted contracted care, average number of beds
Average available beds for admitted contracted care
Item Group
Australian State/Territory identifier (establishment)
Code List
Australian State/Territory identifier (establishment)
CL Item
New South Wales (1)
CL Item
Victoria (2)
CL Item
Queensland (3)
CL Item
South Australia (4)
CL Item
Western Australia (5)
CL Item
Tasmania (6)
CL Item
Northern Territory (7)
CL Item
Australian Capital Territory (8)
CL Item
Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory) (9)
Estimated data indicator
Estimated data indicator
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), buildings and building services
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—buildings and building services
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), constructions
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—constructions
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), equipment
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—equipment
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), information technology
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—information technology
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), intangible assets
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—intangible assets
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), land
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—land
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), major medical equipment
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—major medical equipment
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), other equipment
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—other equipment
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting), transport
Gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—transport
Gross capital expenditure, computer equipment/installations
Gross capital expenditure—computer equipment/installations
Gross capital expenditure, intangible assets
Gross capital expenditure—intangible assets
Gross capital expenditure, land and buildings
Gross capital expenditure—land and buildings
Gross capital expenditure, major medical equipment
Gross capital expenditure—major medical equipment
Gross capital expenditure, other capital expenditure
Gross capital expenditure—other
Gross capital expenditure, plant and other equipment
Gross capital expenditure—plant and other equipment
Local Hospital Network identifier
Code List
Local Hospital Network identifier
CL Item
South Eastern Sydney  (101)
CL Item
Sydney  (102)
CL Item
South Western Sydney  (103)
CL Item
Western Sydney  (104)
CL Item
Nepean Blue Mountains (105)
CL Item
Northern Sydney (106)
CL Item
Central Coast (107)
CL Item
Illawarra Shoalhaven  (108)
CL Item
Hunter New England  (109)
CL Item
Mid North Coast (110)
CL Item
Northern NSW  (111)
CL Item
Western NSW (112)
CL Item
Southern NSW  (113)
CL Item
Murrumbidgee  (114)
CL Item
Far West (115)
CL Item
Sydney Children´s Hospitals Network  (117)
CL Item
St Vincent´s Health Network (118)
CL Item
Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health (119)
CL Item
New South Wales Virtual Local Hospital Network (199)
CL Item
Beaufort and Skipton Health Service (201)
CL Item
East Grampians Health Service (202)
CL Item
Ballarat Health Services  (203)
CL Item
Stawell Regional Health (204)
CL Item
East Wimmera Health Service (205)
CL Item
Hepburn Health Service  (206)
CL Item
Maryborough District Health Service (207)
CL Item
Djerriwarrh Health Service (Vic) (208)
CL Item
Western Health (Vic)  (209)
CL Item
Bendigo Health Care Group (210)
CL Item
Heathcote Health (211)
CL Item
Swan Hill District Health (212)
CL Item
Cohuna District Hospital  (213)
CL Item
Echuca Regional Health  (214)
CL Item
Kerang District Health  (215)
CL Item
Maldon Hospital (216)
CL Item
Boort District Health (218)
CL Item
Rochester and Elmore District Health Service  (219)
CL Item
Inglewood and District Health Service (220)
CL Item
Castlemaine Health  (221)
CL Item
Kyneton District Health Service (222)
CL Item
Royal Children´s Hospital (Melbourne) (223)
CL Item
Royal Women´s Hospital (Melbourne)  (224)
CL Item
Melbourne Health  (225)
CL Item
Northern Health (Vic) (226)
CL Item
Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (227)
CL Item
Colac Area Health (228)
CL Item
Hesse Rural Health Service (Winchelsea) (229)
CL Item
Otway Health and Community Services (Apollo Bay)  (23)
CL Item
Barwon Health (231)
CL Item
Lorne Community Hospital  (232)
CL Item
Alexandra District Hospital (233)
CL Item
Eastern Health (Vic)  (234)
CL Item
Goulburn Valley Health  (235)
CL Item
Kyabram and District Health Service (236)
CL Item
Numurkah and District Health Service  (237)
CL Item
Nathalia District Hospital  (238)
CL Item
Cobram District Hospital  (239)
CL Item
Seymour District Memorial Hospital  (240)
CL Item
Kilmore and District Hospital (241)
CL Item
Yea and District Memorial Hospital  (242)
CL Item
Northeast Health Wangaratta (243)
CL Item
Yarrawonga District Health Service  (244)
CL Item
Alpine Health (Vic) (245)
CL Item
Mansfield District Hospital (246)
CL Item
Benalla and District Memorial Hospital  (247)
CL Item
Tallangatta Health Service  (248)
CL Item
Albury Wodonga Health (249)
CL Item
Upper Murray Health and Community Services (Corryong) (250)
CL Item
Beechworth Health Service (251)
CL Item
West Gippsland Healthcare Group (252)
CL Item
Bass Coast Regional Health  (253)
CL Item
Gippsland Southern Health Service (254)
CL Item
South Gippsland Hospital (Foster) (255)
CL Item
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service  (256)
CL Item
Yarram and District Health Service  (257)
CL Item
Omeo District Health  (258)
CL Item
Central Gippsland Health Service  (259)
CL Item
Latrobe Regional Hospital (260)
CL Item
Orbost Regional Health  (261)
CL Item
St Vincent´s Hospital (Melbourne) Limited (262)
CL Item
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital  (263)
CL Item
Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute (Vic) (264)
CL Item
Austin Health (Vic) (266)
CL Item
Mercy Public Hospital Inc. (Vic) (267)
CL Item
Alfred Health (Vic) (268)
CL Item
Monash Health (269)
CL Item
Peninsula Health (Vic)  (270)
CL Item
Kooweerup Regional Health Service (271)
CL Item
Rural Northwest Health (Vic)  (274)
CL Item
Wimmera Health Care Group (275)
CL Item
Dunmunkle Health Services (276)
CL Item
West Wimmera Health Service (277)
CL Item
Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital (278)
CL Item
Mildura Base Hospital (279)
CL Item
Mallee Track Health and Community Service (280)
CL Item
Robinvale District Health Services  (281)
CL Item
Western District Health Service (Vic) (282)
CL Item
Casterton Memorial Hospital (283)
CL Item
South West Healthcare (Vic) (284)
CL Item
Heywood Rural Health  (285)
CL Item
Timboon and District Healthcare Service (286)
CL Item
Moyne Health Services (Port Fairy)  (287)
CL Item
Portland District Health  (288)
CL Item
Terang and Mortlake Health Service (Terang) (289)
CL Item
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem Limited (290)
CL Item
Victoria Virtual Local Hospital Network (299)
CL Item
Cairns and Hinterland (312)
CL Item
Townsville  (313)
CL Item
Mackay  (314)
CL Item
North West (Qld)  (315)
CL Item
Central Queensland  (316)
CL Item
Central West (Qld)  (317)
CL Item
Wide Bay  (318)
CL Item
Sunshine Coast  (319)
CL Item
Metro North (Qld) (320)
CL Item
Children´s Health Queensland  (321)
CL Item
Metro South (Qld) (322)
CL Item
Gold Coast  (323)
CL Item
West Moreton  (324)
CL Item
Darling Downs (325)
CL Item
South West (Qld)  (326)
CL Item
Torres and Cape (327)
CL Item
Queensland Virtual Local Hospital Network (399)
CL Item
Northern Adelaide (401)
CL Item
Central Adelaide  (402)
CL Item
Southern Adelaide (403)
CL Item
Country Health SA (404)
CL Item
Women´s and Children´s Health Network (SA) (405)
CL Item
South Australia Virtual Local Hospital Network (499)
CL Item
North Metropolitan Health Service (WA)  (501)
CL Item
South Metropolitan Health Service (WA)  (502)
CL Item
WA Country Health Service (503)
CL Item
Child Adolescent Health Service (WA)  (580)
CL Item
Notional Local Hospital Network (Royal St.) (590)
CL Item
Western Australia Virtual Local Hospital Network (599)
CL Item
Tasmanian Health Organisation - South (601)
CL Item
Tasmanian Health Organisation - North (602)
CL Item
Tasmanian Health Organisation - North West (603)
CL Item
Tasmania Virtual Local Hospital Network (699)
CL Item
Top End (NT) (701)
CL Item
Central Australia (NT) (702)
CL Item
Northern Territory Virtual Local Hospital Network (799)
CL Item
Australian Capital Territory (801)
CL Item
Australian Capital Territory Virtual Local Hospital Network (899)
CL Item
Virtual Local Hospital Network - Unknown (900)
CL Item
Not applicable (997)
CL Item
Unknown (998)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (999)
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), buildings and building services
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—buildings and building services
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), constructions
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—constructions
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), equipment
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—equipment
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), information technology
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—information technology
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), intangible assets
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—intangible assets
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), land
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—land
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), major medical equipment
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—major medical equipment
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), other equipment
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—other equipment
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting), transport
Net capital expenditure (accrual accounting)—transport
Organisation identifier (state/territory)
Establishment number

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