This study will evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of a booster dose of GSK Biologicals' pneumococcal conjugate vaccine compared to Prevenar™ given at 12-18 mo of age to children primed with either pneumococcal vaccine or Prevenar™ in study 105553. Antibody persistence will be evaluated at 8-14 mo after completion of the 3-dose immunization course in study 105553. The immune response to a booster dose of GSK Biologicals' pneumococcal conjugate vaccine will also be evaluated when given at 12-18 mo to subjects not primed with GSK Biologicals' vaccine but with Prevenar™. The study has 3 groups. 1 group of children primed with GSK Biologicals' pneumococcal conjugate vaccine will receive a booster dose of the same vaccine. 2nd group of children primed with Prevenar™ will receive a booster dose of Prevenar™ (control group). 3rd group of children primed with Prevenar™ will receive a booster dose of GSK Biologicals' pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. All children will receive concomitantly a booster dose of DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib vaccine. NCT00370396 Part: Check for Study Continuation
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Check for Study Continuation Safety and Immunogenicity Study of a Booster Dose of GSK Biologicals 10-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine NCT00370396
Check for Study Continuation "Safety and Immunogenicity Study of a Booster Dose of GSK Biologicals' 10-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine" NCT00370396
Check for Study Continuation
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Data type
- UMLS CUI [1]
- C2827364
If Serious adverse event - Please complete and submit SAE report - Please specify SAE No. If Non-Serious adverse event - Please complete Non-serious Adverse Event section - Please specify AE No. or solicited AE code If Other, please specify (e.g.: consent withdrawal, Protocol violation, ... )
Data type
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0679823
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0392360
Code of SAE,AE,solicited AE or specification
Data type
- UMLS CUI [1]
- C0877248
Who made the decision
Data type
- UMLS CUI [1]
- C1389424
Laboratory Tests:Blood Sample
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