Measure to assess presence of arrhythmias through collection of personal history, treatments and procedures, medication usage, and administration of an electrocardiograph (ECG). ODM derived from: Primary source: Recent publication: Hendershot, T., Pan, H., Haines, J., Harlan, W.R., Marazita, M.L., McCarty, C.A., Ramos, E.M., and Hamilton, C.M. (2015) Using the PhenX toolkit to add standard measures to a study. Curr. Protoc. Hum. Genet. 86:1.21.1-1.21.17. doi: 10.1002/0471142905.hg0121s86 Permission to publish granted by Carol M. Hamilton.
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- 26/04/16 26/04/16 -
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26 aprile 2016
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Arrhythmia (Atrial and Ventricular) Protocol PhenX Toolkit
Arrhythmia (Atrial and Ventricular) Protocol PhenX Toolkit
- StudyEvent: SE
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