NCCTG Study N0147 Colonoscopy Report Submission Form Comparison of Combination Chemotherapy Regimens With or Without Cetuximab in Treating Patients Who Have Undergone Surgery For Stage III Colon Cancer Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
versioni (2)
- 27/08/12 27/08/12 -
- 09/01/15 09/01/15 - Martin Dugas
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27 agosto 2012
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Colorectal Cancer NCT00079274 Treatment - NCCTG Study N0147 Colonoscopy Report Submission Form - 2542336v1.0
Instructions: Attach each report to a separart Submission Form. Always submit with an NCCTG Data Submission Cover Sheet.
- StudyEvent: NCCTG Study N0147 Colonoscopy Report Submission Form
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Instructions: Attach each report to a separart Submission Form. Always submit with an NCCTG Data Submission Cover Sheet.
- StudyEvent: NCCTG Study N0147 Colonoscopy Report Submission Form
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