INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this form only if more than 10 nontarget lesions were present at baseline. Submit original to ECOG Coordinating Center along with the appropriate RECIST Disease Evaluation Form (baseline or follow-up). Keep a copy for your files.

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Data type
Item Group
ECOG clinical trial administrative data
Protocol Number ECOG
ECOG Protocol Number
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C3274381 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1512162 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25491 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Patient ID ECOG
ECOG Patient ID
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2348585 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1512162 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25491 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Reporting Period
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2347804 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25616 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25651 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
Code List
Reporting Period
CL Item
Baseline (Baseline)
C25213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1442488 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Follow-up (Follow-up)
C16033 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1522577 (UMLS 2011AA)
Generic drug form
DCI Name
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C3242750 (UMLS CUI-1)
C19464 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25474 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25452 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
Registration Number
Registration Step
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1514821 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25646 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0237753 (UMLS CUI-2)
C16154 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C16154 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
Patient Initials
Patient Initials (Last, First)
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2986440 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25536 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Study Number Participating Group
Participating Group Protocol Number
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C3274381 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C2347449 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25608 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Trial subject ID Participating Group
Participating Group Patient ID
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2348585 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C2347449 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25608 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Institution Name
C25454 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1301943 (UMLS CUI-1)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
Item Group
Data amendment
Data amended
Please mark an 'X' if data have been amended. (Please circle amended items in red)
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0680532 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25474 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25416 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Data amended date
Date data amended (s)
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0680532 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25474 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0011008 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25416 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
Item Group
On Treatment
On Treatment Report Period (since start of treatment)
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2045829 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25616 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C15368 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
Code List
On Treatment Report Period (since start of treatment)
CL Item
Baseline (Baseline)
C25213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1442488 (UMLS 2011AA)
C25213 (NCI Thesaurus-3)
C1442488 (UMLS 2011AA-4)
CL Item
Cycle 2 (Cycle 2)
CL Item
Cycle 4 (Cycle 4)
CL Item
Cycle 6 (Cycle 6)
CL Item
Cycle 8 (Cycle 8)
CL Item
Cycle 10 (Cycle 10)
CL Item
Cycle 12 (Cycle 12)
CL Item
Cycle 14 (Cycle 14)
CL Item
Cycle 16 (Cycle 16)
CL Item
Cycle 18 (Cycle 18)
CL Item
Cycle 20 (Cycle 20)
CL Item
Cycle 22 (Cycle 22)
CL Item
Cycle 24 (Cycle 24)
CL Item
Cycle 26 (Cycle 26)
CL Item
Cycle 28 (Cycle 28)
CL Item
Cycle 30 (Cycle 30)
CL Item
Cycle 32 (Cycle 32)
CL Item
Cycle 34 (Cycle 34)
CL Item
Cycle 36 (Cycle 36)
CL Item
Cycle 38 (Cycle 38)
CL Item
> Cycle 38 (> Cycle 38)
Chemotherapy cycle
Specify Cycle (specify)
C15368 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1302181 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25616 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C25685 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C25472 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C25275 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-3)
Item Group
Off Treatment
Off Treatment Report Period (since registration)
C25190 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0027361 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25616 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1948053 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25601 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1518544 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25207 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0040223 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Off Treatment Report Period (since registration)
CL Item
3 Months (3 months post registration)
CL Item
6 Months (6 months post registration)
CL Item
9 Months (9 months post registration)
CL Item
12 Months (12 months post registration)
CL Item
15 Months (15 months post registration)
CL Item
18 Months (18 months post registration)
CL Item
21 Months Post Registration (21 months post registration)
CL Item
24 Months (24 months post registration)
CL Item
36 Months (36 months post registration)
CL Item
42 Months Post Registration (42 Months Post Registration)
CL Item
4 Years (48 months post registration)
CL Item
54 Months Post Randomization (54 Months Post Randomization)
CL Item
60 Months Post Randomization (60 Months Post Randomization)
Item Group
Nontarget Lesions
Lesion Number
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C3824 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0221198 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25341 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0450429 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Lesion Site, Primary
Site of Lesion (*)
C13717 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0449695 (UMLS CUI-1)
C3824 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25341 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Site Code
C13717 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1515974 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C3824 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0221198 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0220825 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C37894 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1513040 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
Code List
Site Code
CL Item
Bone (bone)
C12366 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0262950 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Brain (Brain)
C12439 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0006104 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Breast (Breast)
C12971 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0006141 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Effusion/ascites (Effusion/Ascites)
CL Item
Gi (GI)
CL Item
Gu (GU)
CL Item
Head & Neck (Head & Neck)
CL Item
Liver (Liver)
C12392 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0023884 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Lung (Lung)
C12468 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0024109 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Nodes (Nodes)
CL Item
Skin (Skin)
C12470 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1123023 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Other (other)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA)
Method of Evaluation
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2911685 (UMLS CUI-1)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C16847 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Code List
Method of Evaluation
CL Item
Clinical (Clinical Examination)
C25398 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205210 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Chest X-ray (Chest X-Ray)
CL Item
Ct Scan (CT Scan)
CL Item
Spiral Ct Scan (Spiral CT scan)
CL Item
Mri (MRI)
CL Item
Ultrasound (Ultrasound)
C64384 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1456803 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Bone Scan (Bone scan)
C17646 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0203668 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Not Evaluated (Not evaluated)
CL Item
Other (other)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA)
Date of Evaluation (Follow-up Status of Lesions)
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0011008 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C3824 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0221198 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
Follow-Up Status of Lesion (Choose one for each lesion. Leave blank if baseline.)
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C3262 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0027651 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25755 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0871261 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Code List
Follow-Up Status of Lesion (Choose one for each lesion. Leave blank if baseline.)
CL Item
Complete Response (CR)
CL Item
Incompl. Resp./sd (Incompl. resp./SD)
CL Item
Progressive Disease (PD)
C35571 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1335499 (UMLS 2011AA)
C35571 (NCI Thesaurus-3)
C1335499 (UMLS 2011AA-4)
Cytology Result (For Site Code 04 effusion/ascites ONLY:)
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16491 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0010819 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20200 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1274040 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Code List
Cytology Result (For Site Code 04 effusion/ascites ONLY:)
CL Item
Negative (Negative)
C25247 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205160 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Positive (Positive)
C25246 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1446409 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Not Done (Not done)
CL281691 (NCI Metathesaurus)
Item Group
Research Comments
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0947611 (UMLS CUI-1)
C15319 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25393 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Investigator Signature
Investigator Signature
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2346576 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25678 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C17089 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
Investigator Signature Date
Investigator Signature Date
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2346576 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25678 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0011008 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C17089 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)

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Fields marked with * are required.

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