Protocol ID RTOG
RTOG Study No.
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C3274381 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1514695 (UMLS CUI-2)
C19778 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Case #
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C19778 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C1514695 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0600091 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C49152 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1706256 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Institution Name
Institution Name
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1301943 (UMLS CUI-1)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Institution Number
Institution No.
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1301943 (UMLS CUI-1)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0805701 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Patient Initials
Patient Initials
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2986440 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25536 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Trial subject ID RTOG
RTOG Patient ID
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2348585 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1514695 (UMLS CUI-2)
C19778 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Data amended
Amended data
C38148 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0680532 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25474 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25416 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Time point
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25616 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1948053 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
CL Item
Baseline (baseline)
C25213 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1442488 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Pretreatment (Pretreatment)
CL Item
Last Week Of Radiation Therapy (Last week of RT)
CL Item
12 Months From Start Of Treatment (12 months from start of treatment)
CL Item
30 Months From Start Of Treatment (30 months from start of treatment)
CL Item
Other (Other)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA)
Other specify
C25685 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1521902 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25616 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1948053 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Did the patient complete any items on the questionnaire?
C38147 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1512698 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25250 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0205197 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
Date Questionnaire Completed
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0011008 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25250 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0205197 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Reason Questionnaire was not Completed
C25638 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1548386 (UMLS CUI-1)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0566251 (UMLS CUI-2)
C0034394 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
Reason Questionnaire was not Completed
CL Item
Not Applicable, Questionnaire Was Completed (Not applicable, questionnaire was completed)
CL Item
Patient Refused Due To Illness (Patient refused due to illness)
CL Item
Patient Refused For Other Reason (Patient refused for other reason)
CL Item
Patient Unable To Be Contacted (Patient unable to be contacted)
CL Item
Institution Error (Institutional error)
CL Item
Tool Not Availalble In Patient's Language (Tool not available in patient's language)
CL Item
Other Reason (Other reason)
Patient refused for other reason, specify
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C0034394 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
C49160 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0205257 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C49161 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C1705116 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25685 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1521902 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Other reason, specify
C25685 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1521902 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C0034394 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Did the patient require any assistance in completing the questionnaire?
C25180 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1522602 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0018896 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
Did the patient require any assistance in completing the questionnaire?
CL Item
Not Applicable (Not applicable)
C48660 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1272460 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
No (No)
C49487 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1298908 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Yes (Yes)
C49488 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1705108 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Unknown If Assistance Given (Unknown if assistance given)
Extent of assistance given
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0018896 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
Code List
Extent of assistance given
CL Item
Not Applicable (Not applicable)
C48660 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1272460 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Read Items To Patient (Read items to patient)
CL Item
Interpreted Items For Patient (Interpreted items for patient)
CL Item
Marked Items Per Patient's Response (Marked items per patient's response)
CL Item
Combination Of Above (Combination of above)
CL Item
Other (Other)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA)
Combination of above, specify
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0018896 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
C25685 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1521902 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25454 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0205195 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Other, specify
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0018896 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
C25685 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1521902 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Specify the person who assisted the patient
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C0018896 (NCI Metathesaurus Property)
C25190 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0027361 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25372 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0683312 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
Specify the person who assisted the patient
CL Item
Not Applicable (Not applicable)
C48660 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1272460 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Staff Member (Staff member)
CL Item
Other (Other)
C17649 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0205394 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Unknown (Unknown)
Specify method of completion
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25250 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0205197 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C17048 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0034394 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
Code List
Specify method of completion
CL Item
At Appointment (At appointment)
CL Item
By Mail (By mail)
CL Item
By Telephone (By telephone)
CL Item
Unknown (Unknown)
C17998 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0439673 (UMLS 2011AA)
Research Comments
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0947611 (UMLS CUI-1)
C15319 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25393 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Responsible Person Signature
Signature of Person Completing This Form
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1550483 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25190 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25657 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C25678 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Form Completion Date
Date Form Originally Completed
C19464 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1549507 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25250 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25604 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
How often did you feel tired
C15584 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0281588 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3036 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015672 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25376 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0700321 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often did you feel tired
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)
How often did you experience extreme exhaustion
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0220825 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3036 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015672 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C70667 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0205082 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often did you experience extreme exhaustion
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)
How often did you run out of energy
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C20989 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0031809 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C48058 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0542479 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often did you run out of energy
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)
How often did your fatigue limit you at work (include work at home)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0220825 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25640 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0392756 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C3036 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0015672 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25193 (NCI Thesaurus Property-4)
C0028811 (UMLS 2011AA Property-4)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often did your fatigue limit you at work (include work at home)
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)
How often were you too tired to think clearly
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0220825 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3036 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015672 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C21055 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0684336 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C16446 (NCI Thesaurus Property-4)
C0009240 (UMLS 2011AA Property-4)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often were you too tired to think clearly
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)
How often were you too tired to take a bath or shower
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0220825 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C3036 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015672 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C65077 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C0441648 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often were you too tired to take a bath or shower
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)
How often did you have enough energy to exercise strenuously
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25214 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0220825 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C16567 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0015259 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C25664 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0349674 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C17047 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0518214 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
Code List
How often did you have enough energy to exercise strenuously
CL Item
Never (Never)
C70543 (NCI Thesaurus)
C2003901 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Rarely (Rarely)
C73116 (NCI Thesaurus)
C0522498 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Sometimes (Sometimes)