Protocol ID NCI
DCP Protocol #
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C3274381 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1513882 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C19202 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
Institution Code
C25162 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0805701 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C21541 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0018704 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0600091 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
Participant ID
C16960 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0030705 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0600091 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0600091 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Visit Type
C25716 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0545082 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25284 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0332307 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C41331 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0877248 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
C70902 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-3)
C2347852 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-3)
C25716 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-4)
C0545082 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-4)
CL Item
Registration/randomization (Registration/Randomization)
CL Item
Month 1 (Month 1)
CL Item
Month 2 (Month 2)
CL Item
Month 3 (Month 3)
CL Item
Month 4 (Month 4)
CL Item
Month 5 (Month 5)
CL Item
Month 6 (Month 6)
CL Item
Follow Up (Follow up)
Visit Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0011008 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0011008 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C25716 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0545082 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
Not Obtained
C25180 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C1522602 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
CL310460 (NCI Metathesaurus ObjectClass)
CL052458 (NCI Metathesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C0021212 (NCI Metathesaurus ValueDomain)
CL Item
Not Applicable (Not Applicable)
C48660 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1272460 (UMLS 2011AA)
Were any new or changes in Adverse Events reported? (either the first report of a new AE or changes to previously reported AEs? - Footnote - If Yes is selected; the Adverse Event form must be completed. If No and/or N/A is selected for ALL visits, NONE must be checked on the AE form)
C25586 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0205314 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C41331 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C0877248 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-2)
C37998 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-3)
C1518602 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-3)
C25446 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-4)
C0392747 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-4)
C25375 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0684224 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25180 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1522602 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
Code List
Were any new or changes in Adverse Events reported? (either the first report of a new AE or changes to previously reported AEs? - Footnote - If Yes is selected; the Adverse Event form must be completed. If No and/or N/A is selected for ALL visits, NONE must be checked on the AE form)
CL Item
Yes (Yes)
C49488 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1705108 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
No (No)
C49487 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1298908 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Not Applicable (N/A)
C48660 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1272460 (UMLS 2011AA)
Were any new or changes in Concomitant Medications reported? (either the first report of a new Conmed or changes to previously reported Conmed? - Footnote - If Yes is selected; the Concomitant Medication form must be completed. If No and/or N/A is selected for ALL visits, NONE must be selected on the Concomitant Medication form)
C25586 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0205314 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C459 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-2)
C0013227 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-2)
C37998 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-3)
C1518602 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-3)
C25446 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-4)
C0392747 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-4)
C25730 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass-5)
C0521115 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass-5)
C25375 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0684224 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25180 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1522602 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C25586 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
C0205314 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-2)
C37998 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-3)
C1518602 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-3)
C25446 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-4)
C0392747 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-4)
C70902 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-5)
C2347852 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain-5)
Code List
Were any new or changes in Concomitant Medications reported? (either the first report of a new Conmed or changes to previously reported Conmed? - Footnote - If Yes is selected; the Concomitant Medication form must be completed. If No and/or N/A is selected for ALL visits, NONE must be selected on the Concomitant Medication form)
CL Item
Yes (Yes)
C49488 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1705108 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
No (No)
C49487 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1298908 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Not Evaluated (Not Evaluated)
CL Item
Not Applicable (N/A)
C48660 (NCI Thesaurus)
C1272460 (UMLS 2011AA)
Protocol Title
Protocol Title
C25191 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2986303 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C42774 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Protocol Version
Protocol Version
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2985700 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
Protocol Version Date
Protocol Date
C25164 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C2985700 (UMLS CUI-1)
C25320 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C0011008 (UMLS CUI-2)
C25364 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C25367 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2)
Page #
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C0439643 (NCI Metathesaurus ObjectClass)
Total Page Number
C40988 (NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass)
C1516308 (UMLS 2011AA ObjectClass)
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA Property)
C25304 (NCI Thesaurus Property-2)
C0439810 (UMLS 2011AA Property-2)
C42783 (NCI Thesaurus Property-3)
C1704732 (UMLS 2011AA Property-3)
C25337 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C0237753 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
DCP Template Version
C25704 (NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain)
C1527021 (UMLS 2011AA ValueDomain)
C0728990 (NCI Metathesaurus ObjectClass)
C25714 (NCI Thesaurus Property)
C0333052 (UMLS 2011AA Property)