age at least 18 Years
age at least 18 Years
C0001779 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
397669002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Biopsy proven mantle cell lymphoma
Biopsy proven mantle cell lymphoma
C0005558 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
86273004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10004720 (MedDRA 14.1)
MTHU028106 (LOINC Version 232)
C0456369 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
277025001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0334634 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
443487006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10061275 (MedDRA 14.1)
C83.1 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
200.4 (ICD-9-CM Version 2011)
C0011900 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
439401001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU008876 (LOINC Version 232)
Patients who have progressed or relapsed after or are refractory to at least one, and up to three prior chemotherapy regimens, and who have documented progressive disease.
Patients who have progressed or relapsed after or are refractory to at least one, and up to three prior chemotherapy regimens, and who have documented progressive disease.
C0242656 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
246453008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10061818 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0277556 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
58184002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0205269 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
20646008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1514457 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1301725 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
397934002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1335499 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
ECOG performance score 0,1, or 2
ECOG performance score 0,1, or 2
C1520224 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Willing to follow pregnancy precaution
Willing to follow pregnancy precaution
C0600109 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
225466006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0032961 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
289908002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10036556 (MedDRA 14.1)
MTHU035048 (LOINC Version 232)
C1882442 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Any of the following laboratory abnormalities
Abnormal Laboratory Test Result
C0438215 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
165346000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10023547 (MedDRA 14.1)
Absolute neutrophil count (ANC)<1,500 cells/mm^3 (1.5 x 10^9/L)
Absolute Neutrophil Count, ANC
C0948762 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10052033 (MedDRA 14.1)
Platelet count < 60,000/mm^3 (60 x 10^9/L)
Platelet count - finding
C1287267 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
365632008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
777-3 (LOINC Version 232)
Serum aspartate transaminase (AST/SGOT) or alanine transaminase (ALT/SGPT) >3.0 x upper limit or normal (ULN), except patients with documented liver involvement by lymphoma
Serum aspartate transaminase (AST/SGOT) or alanine transaminase (ALT/SGPT) >3.0 x upper limit or normal (ULN), except patients with documented liver involvement by lymphoma
C0004002 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
26091008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU004883 (LOINC Version 232)
C0001899 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
56935002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU006766 (LOINC Version 232)
C1519815 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1554961 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
E (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0441932 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258322007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0024299 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
21964009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10025310 (MedDRA 14.1)
C85.9 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
Serum total bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN, except in case of Gilbert's Syndrome and documented liver involvement by lymphoma.
Serum total bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN, except in case of Gilbert's Syndrome and documented liver involvement by lymphoma.
C1278039 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
313840000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10040162 (MedDRA 14.1)
C1519815 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1554961 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
E (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0017551 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
27503000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10018267 (MedDRA 14.1)
E80.4 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
C0441932 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258322007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0024299 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
21964009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10025310 (MedDRA 14.1)
C85.9 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
Calculated creatinine clearance (Cockcroft-Gault formula) of < 30 mL/min
Estimation of creatinine clearance by Cockcroft-Gault formula (procedure)
C2711451 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
442407001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
History of active CNS lymphoma within the previous 3 months
History of active CNS lymphoma within the previous 3 months
CL421546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
392521001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0205177 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
55561003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0280803 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
307649006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10007953 (MedDRA 14.1)
200.5 (ICD-9-CM Version 2011)
Subjects not willing to take DVT prophylaxis
Subjects not willing to take DVT prophylaxis
C1518422 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0600109 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
225466006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0853245 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10013880 (MedDRA 14.1)
Known seropositive for or active viral infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). Patients who are sero-positive because of hepatitis B virus vaccine are eligible
Known seropositive for or active viral infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). Patients who are sero-positive because of hepatitis B virus vaccine are eligible
C0521143 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
4879001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0205177 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
55561003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0042769 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
34014006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10047461 (MedDRA 14.1)
B34.9 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
C0019682 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
19030005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0019169 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
81665004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0220847 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
62944002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10019752 (MedDRA 14.1)
C1548635 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
ELG (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0521143 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
4879001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
CL420107 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0062527 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
396424005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
45 (HL7 V3 2006_05)