How often have you taken antibiotics in the past 12 months? Antibiotics can be administered as tablets, capsules, drops, juices, infusions or injections. Please do not count creams or ointments!
antibiotics_freq (VAR_NAMES)
How often have you taken antibiotics in the past 12 months? Antibiotics can be administered as tablets, capsules, drops, juices, infusions or injections. Please do not count creams or ointments! (LABEL)
integer (DATA_TYPE)
0=Never|1=Once|2=Twice|3=Three to four times|4=More than four times|9=Don't know (VALUE_LABELS)
t1.antibiotics (STUDY_SEGMENT)
Wie häufig haben Sie in den vergangenen 12 Monaten Anti-biotika eingenommen? Antibiotika können als Tablet-ten, Kapseln, Tropfen, Säfte, Infusionen oder Spritzen verabreicht werden. Bitte zählen Sie Cremes oder Salben nicht mit! (LABEL_DE)
0=Niemals|1=Einmal|2=Zweimal|3=Drei- bis viermal|4=Mehr als viermal|9=Weiß nicht (VALUE_LABELS_DE)
t1.antibiotics_freq (UNIQUE_NAME)
SHIPTrend-1 (DCE)
Code List
How often have you taken antibiotics in the past 12 months? Antibiotics can be administered as tablets, capsules, drops, juices, infusions or injections. Please do not count creams or ointments!
CL Item
Three to four times (3)
CL Item
More than four times (4)