age at least 18 Years
Alter mindestens 18 Jahre
C0001779 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
397669002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Patients with B-precursor ALL relapsed after at least induction and consolidation or having refractory disease
Patients with B-precursor ALL relapsed after at least induction and consolidation or having refractory disease
C1292769 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
128823009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10003890 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0011900 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
439401001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU008876 (LOINC Version 232)
C0277556 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
58184002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0600558 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0702116 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
9656002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1514815 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
More than 5% blasts in bone marrow
More than 5% blasts in bone marrow
C0439093 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
276140008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
GT (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0205451 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
34001005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0439165 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
118582008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0368761 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
312256009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU005201 (LOINC Version 232)
C0005953 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
14016003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU016536 (LOINC Version 232)
ECOG performance status <= 2
ECOG Status <= 2
C1520224 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
424122007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Life expectancy of >= 12 weeks
Life expectancy of >= 12 weeks
C0023671 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
History or presence of clinically relevant CNS pathology
History or presence of clinically relevant CNS pathology
C0205210 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
58147004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C2347946 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1269563 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
278199004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0677042 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Infiltration of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by ALL
Infiltration of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by ALL
C0332448 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
47351003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0007806 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
65216001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU001311 (LOINC Version 232)
CSF (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0023449 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
91857003, 128822004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10060390 (MedDRA 14.1)
C91.0 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
204.0 (ICD-9-CM Version 2011)
Autologous/allogeneic HSCT within six weeks/three months prior to start of blinatumomab treatment
Autologous/allogeneic HSCT within six weeks/three months prior to start of blinatumomab treatment
C1831743 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C2242529 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10067862 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0205449 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
421291004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0439231 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258706009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MO (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C3853839 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0039798 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Active Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD)
Active Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD)
C0205177 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
55561003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0018133 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
234646005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10018651 (MedDRA 14.1)
D89.813 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
279.50 (ICD-9-CM Version 2011)
Patients with Ph+ ALL eligible for treatment with dasatinib or imatinib
Patients with Ph+ ALL eligible for treatment with dasatinib or imatinib
C1960397 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
425688002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1548635 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
ELG (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0039798 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1455147 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
422756008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0935989 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
391634008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Cancer chemotherapy within two weeks prior to start of blinatumomab treatment
Cancer chemotherapy within two weeks prior to start of blinatumomab treatment
C0392920 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
150415003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0205448 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
19338005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0439230 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258705008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
WK (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C3853839 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0039798 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Immunotherapy (e.g. rituximab) within four weeks prior to start of blinatumomab treatment
Immunotherapy (e.g. rituximab) within four weeks prior to start of blinatumomab treatment
C0021083 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
146638005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0732355 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
386919002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0205450 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
9362000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0439230 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258705008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
WK (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C3853839 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0039798 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Infection with HIV or hepatitis B (HBsAg positive) or hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV positive)
Infection with HIV or hepatitis B (HBsAg positive) or hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV positive)
C0019693 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
86406008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10020161 (MedDRA 14.1)
MTHU020829 (LOINC Version 232)
B20 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
042 (ICD-9-CM Version 2011)
C0019163 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
66071002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10019731 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0149709 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
165806002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10019742 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0220847 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
62944002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10019752 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0281863 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10019747 (MedDRA 14.1)
Pregnant or nursing women
Pregnant or nursing women
C0549206 (UMLS CUI 1)
10036586 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0006147 (UMLS CUI 2)
10006247 (MedDRA 14.1)
224526002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Previous treatment with blinatumomab
Previous treatment with blinatumomab
C1514463 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C3853839 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)