Are currently taking OAM that is not described above and not allowed with concurrent use of insulin per local product label.
Have taken more than 1 week within 1 month prior to the study start any glucose-lowering medications not included above either alone or in combination formulations, or have used a drug for weight loss (for example, prescription drugs such as orlistat, sibutramine, phenylpropanolamine, rimonabant or similar over-the-counter medications).
Have taken any insulin other than Glargine within the 3 months prior to study start for more than 1 week.
Are receiving chronic (lasting longer than 2 weeks) systemic glucocorticoid therapy (excluding topical, intraocular, and inhaled preparations) within 4 weeks prior to the study start.
Are currently enrolled in, or discontinued within the last 30 days from, a clinical trial involving an off-label use of an investigational drug or device (other than the study drug/device used in this study), or concurrently enrolled in any other type of medical research judged not to be scientifically or medically compatible with this study.
Have previously completed or been withdrawn from this study after enrollment.