Print clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS using a black fountain or ball-point pen and press firmly so that all copies are legible. Insert the writing board beneath all copies of the form being completed. Fill in the Subject Number on every page and answer all questions except where otherwise indicated. Do not write in shaded areas which are qualified “For GSK”. Information written in these areas are not the responsibility of the investigator. ABBREVIATIONS: Abbreviations for medical conditions, clinical events or drug names should not be used. Units and route of administration of medication may be abbreviated. NA: not applicable. ERRORS/CORRECTIONS: Errors should be crossed out with a single line and the alteration made as near to the original as possible. All alterations must be printed, initialled and dated by the investigator or authorised staff. DATES Use the following three-letter abbreviations for each month: January = JAN February = FEB March = MAR April = APR May = MAY June = JUN July = JUL August = AUG September = SEP October = OCT November = NOV December = DEC Example: |__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|= 1st January 2002 day month year The Serious Adverse Event (SAE) form must be checked for final assessment at the end of the study. For all subjects enrolled, please complete the Study Conclusion form. ADVERSE EVENT DEFINITIONS INTENSITY 1: Mild: An adverse event which is easily tolerated by the subject, causing minimal discomfort and not interfering with everyday activities. 2: Moderate: An adverse event which is sufficiently discomforting to interfere with normal everyday activities. 3: Severe: An adverse event which prevents normal, everyday activities (In adults/ adolescents, such an adverse event would, for example, prevent attendance at work/school and would necessitate the administration of corrective therapy). CAUSALITY / RELATIONSHIP TO INVESTIGATIONAL PRODUCTS Is there a reasonable possibility that the AE may have been caused by the investigational product? NO: The adverse event is not causally related to administration of the study vaccine(s). There are other, more likely causes and administration of the study vaccine(s) is not suspected to have contributed to the adverse event. YES: There is a reasonable possibility that the vaccine contributed to the adverse event. OUTCOME 1: Recovered / Resolved 2: Recovering / Resolving: If the subject is recovering at the time the subject completes the study or at the time the subject dropped out 3: Not recovered / Not resolved: This means an AE ongoing at the time the subject completes the study or becomes lost to follow-up; if AE/SAE was ongoing at the time of death, but was not the cause of death. 4: Recovered with sequelae / Resolved with sequelae SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENT A serious adverse event is any untoward medical occurrence that: • results in death • is life threatening • results in persistent or significant disability / incapacity • requires in-patient hospitalization • prolongation of existing hospitalization • is a congenital anomaly / birth defect in the offspring of a study subject • In addition, important medical events that may jeopardize the subject or may require intervention to prevent one of the other outcomes listed above should be considered serious. (Examples of such events are invasive or malignant cancers, intensive treatment in an emergency room or at home for allergic bronchospasm; blood dyscrasias or convulsions that do not result in hospitalization.) For each serious adverse event, please fill in the Serious Adverse Event (SAE) form and contact GlaxoSmithKline within 24 hours. Informed Consent has to be obtained prior to any study procedure.
- UMLS CUI [1]
- C1508263