age at least 18 Years
Alter mindestens 18 Jahre
C0001779 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
397669002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
De novo, restenotic or reoccluded lesion located in the femoropopliteal arteries suitable for endovascular treatment
De novo, restenotic or reoccluded lesion located in the femoropopliteal arteries suitable for endovascular treatment
C1515568 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0333186 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
43026009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0854571 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10038563 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0221198 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
49755003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C2721556 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10069344 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0011900 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
439401001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU008876 (LOINC Version 232)
C0814634 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C2936204 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Patient presenting with a score from 2 to 4 according to the Rutherford classification
Patient presenting with a score from 2 to 4 according to the Rutherford classification
C0449820 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
246262008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU024701 (LOINC Version 232)
C0332290 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
385433004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0008902 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
278201002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Patient is willing to comply with specified follow-up evaluations at the predefined time intervals times
Patient is willing to comply with specified follow-up evaluations at the predefined time intervals times
C0600109 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
225466006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1321605 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
405078008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1522577 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0220825 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Patient understands the nature of the procedure and provides written informed consent, prior to enrollment in the study
Patient understands the nature of the procedure and provides written informed consent, prior to enrollment in the study
C0162340 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
66216009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0681832 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0184704 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
55149002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Prior to enrollment, the target lesion was crossed with standard guidewire manipulation
Prior to enrollment, the target lesion was crossed with standard guidewire manipulation
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1516879 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C2986546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0205203 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
65145006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C2828392 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0181089 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
129462001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0947647 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
19207007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10062053 (MedDRA 14.1)
Patient is eligible for treatment with 4F compatible devices
Patient is eligible for treatment with 4F compatible devices
C1548635 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
ELG (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0039798 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1524057 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
7883008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0699733 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
49062001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU020022 (LOINC Version 232)
The target lesions are located within the native superficial femoral artery: Distal point 3 cm above knee joint and 1 cm below the origin of the profunda femoralis.
The target lesions are located within the native superficial femoral artery: Distal point 3 cm above knee joint and 1 cm below the origin of the profunda femoralis.
C2986546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0450429 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
246267002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0302891 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
263818007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0447106 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
181349008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
The target lesion has angiographic evidence of stenosis or restenosis > 50% or occlusion
The target lesion has angiographic evidence of stenosis or restenosis > 50% or occlusion
C2986546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
CL378222 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
77343006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10050062 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0332120 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
18669006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1261287 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0333186 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
43026009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
CL354751 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
26036001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10029990 (MedDRA 14.1)
Length of the target lesion is =20 cm by visual estimation and can be covered with one stent
Length of the target lesion is =20 cm by visual estimation and can be covered with one stent
C2986546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1444754 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
410668003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU003498 (LOINC Version 232)
C0444684 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258083009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0814634 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0439844 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
255334000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0038257 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
65818007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Target vessel diameter visually estimated is =4 mm and =6.5 mm
Target vessel diameter visually estimated is =4 mm and =6.5 mm
C0449618 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
246325009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1301886 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
81827009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU002654 (LOINC Version 232)
C0444684 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
258083009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
There is angiographic evidence of at least one-vessel-runoff to the foot
There is angiographic evidence of at least one-vessel-runoff to the foot
CL378222 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
77343006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10050062 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0332120 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
18669006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0005847 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
59820001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU020168 (LOINC Version 232)
C0806140 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
MTHU009126 (LOINC Version 232)
C0016504 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
56459004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU002679 (LOINC Version 232)
Presence of another stent in the target vessel that was placed during a previous procedure
Presence of another stent in the target vessel that was placed during a previous procedure
C0150312 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
52101004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
74964007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0038257 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
65818007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0449618 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
246325009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Presence of an aortic thrombosis or significant common femoral ipsilateral stenosis
Presence of an aortic thrombosis or significant common femoral ipsilateral stenosis
C0854142 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10002910 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0441989 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
255208005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0730206 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
312829002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Previous bypass surgery in the same limb
Previous bypass surgery in the same limb
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1536078 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10063919 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0445247 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
262126009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1280090 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
243996003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Patients contraindicated for antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulants or thrombolytics
Patients contraindicated for antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulants or thrombolytics
C1444657 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
410536001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1096021 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10053460 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0003280 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
372862008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0016018 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
303960004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Patients who exhibit persistent acute intraluminal thrombus at the target lesion site
Patients who exhibit persistent acute intraluminal thrombus at the target lesion site
C0205322 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0087086 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
396339007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0225997 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
67170007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C2986546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1515974 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Perforation at the angioplasty site evidenced by extravasation of contrast medium
Perforation at the angioplasty site evidenced by extravasation of contrast medium
C0549099 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
36191001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0162577 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
418285008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10002475 (MedDRA 14.1)
MTHU011020 (LOINC Version 232)
C1515974 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0332120 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
18669006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0015376 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
76676007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10015866 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0009924 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
385420005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Patients with known hypersensitivity to nickel-titanium
Patients with known hypersensitivity to nickel-titanium
C0020517 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
418634005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
T78.40 (ICD-10-CM Version 2010)
C0076736 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
261250004 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Patients with uncorrected bleeding disorders
Patients with uncorrected bleeding disorders
C1518422 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0205202 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
33714007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1458140 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
248250000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10005134 (MedDRA 14.1)
Female patient with child bearing potential not taking adequate contraceptives or currently breastfeeding
Female patient with child bearing potential not taking adequate contraceptives or currently breastfeeding
C0086287 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
248152002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
F (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C1148523 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0237399 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0420844 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
169450001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0006147 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10006247 (MedDRA 14.1)
Life expectancy of < 12 months
Life expectancy of < 12 months
C0023671 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Ipsilateral iliac artery treatment before target lesion treatment with a residual stenosis > 30%
Ipsilateral iliac artery treatment before target lesion treatment with a residual stenosis > 30%
C0441989 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
255208005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0020887 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10293006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU011999 (LOINC Version 232)
C0332152 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
288556008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C2986546 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0039798 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C1609982 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
65320000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C1261287 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
Use of thrombectomy, atherectomy or laser devices during procedure
Use of thrombectomy, atherectomy or laser devices during procedure
C1524063 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
260676000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0162578 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
43810009 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10043530 (MedDRA 14.1)
C0699733 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
49062001 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
MTHU020022 (LOINC Version 232)
C0522642 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
102312002 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0023089 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
122456005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
Any planned surgical intervention/procedure 30 days after the study procedure
Any planned surgical intervention/procedure 30 days after the study procedure
C1301732 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
397943006 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0543467 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
83578000 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10051332 (MedDRA 14.1)
MTHU000079 (LOINC Version 232)
C0549433 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
10048451 (MedDRA 14.1)
Any patient considered to be hemodynamically unstable at onset of procedure
Any patient considered to be hemodynamically unstable at onset of procedure
C0022423 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
61254005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0030705 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
116154003 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0948268 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
422773005 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
10052076 (MedDRA 14.1)
Patient is currently participating in another investigational drug or device study that has not reached the primary endpoint
Patient is currently participating in another investigational drug or device study that has not reached the primary endpoint
C0521116 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
15240007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0679823 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
PART (HL7 V3 2006_05)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
74964007 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)
C0013230 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C2346570 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
C0008976 (UMLS CUI 2011AA)
110465008 (SNOMED CT 2011_0131)