Lymph node examination (for axillary and supraclavicular)
Axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes
Axillary or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
Lymphadenopathy results, anatomic structure
Lymphadenopathy results, anatomic Side
Grade definition: Grade 0 (none): No palpable nodes, or all nodes < 1 cm (pea-sized), mobile, and non-tender Grade 1 (mild): At least one node > 1 cm (pea-sized) but less than 2.5 cm (cherry-sized), but mobile and non-tender or tender only with firm pressure Grade 2 (moderate): At least one node >= 2.5 cm (cherry-sized) or tender to light touch or spontaneously reported as painful, but not causing significant limitation of normal everyday activities Grade 3 (severe): At least one node that is tender to light touch or spontaneously reported as painful AND causing significant limitation of normal everyday activities. Any one of palpable fluctuance or heat, fixation to underlying tissues, or visible erythema. If ulceration or drainage is present, must also report as SAE.
Lymph node examination (for other lymph nodes localisation)
Other lymph nodes
Other lymphadenopathy
Other Lymphadenopathy results, anatomic structure
Other anatomic structure
Other Lymphadenopathy results, anatomic Site
Grade definition: Grade 0 (none): No palpable nodes, or all nodes < 1 cm (pea-sized), mobile, and non-tender Grade 1 (mild): At least one node > 1 cm (pea-sized) but less than 2.5 cm (cherry-sized), but mobile and non-tender or tender only with firm pressure Grade 2 (moderate): At least one node >= 2.5 cm (cherry-sized) or tender to light touch or spontaneously reported as painful, but not causing significant limitation of normal everyday activities Grade 3 (severe): At least one node that is tender to light touch or spontaneously reported as painful AND causing significant limitation of normal everyday activities. Any one of palpable fluctuance or heat, fixation to underlying tissues, or visible erythema. If ulceration or drainage is present, must also report as SAE.