Heterosexual relationship, Stable status; Adequate, Contraceptive methods; no, Pregnancy of partner
Stable heterosexual relationship, with a single non pregnant, nonlactating female partner using adequate contraception (as confirmed by oral questioning of male study subject) in a relationship of greater than >4 months duration. This same partner will be the one with whom the subject makes and records all IELT attempts during the duration of the study.
C0556476 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0205360 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0205411 (UMLS CUI [2,1])
C0700589 (UMLS CUI [2,2])
C1298908 (UMLS CUI [3,1])
C0919624 (UMLS CUI [3,2])
Aged between 18 and 55 years (i.e. subjects must not have completed their 55th year birthday at the time of screening, but can turn 55 years during the course of the study).
C0001779 (UMLS CUI [1])
Liver diseases; Abnormality of the liver; Biliary tract abnormality
Current or chronic history of liver disease, or known hepatic or biliary abnormalities (with the exception of Gilbert's syndrome or asymptomatic gallstones).
C0023895 (UMLS CUI [1])
C4021780 (UMLS CUI [2])
C0549613 (UMLS CUI [3])
Active or recent (< 6 months) history of prostatitis, as determined by patient symptoms or treatment seeking for newly diagnosed or flare of symptoms related to previously diagnosed prostatitis.
C0033581 (UMLS CUI [1])
Disease; Mental disorders; Substance Use Disorders
Any unstable medical, psychiatric or substance abuse disorder that in the opinion of the investigator is likely to affect the subject's ability to complete the study or precludes the subject's participation in the study.
C0012634 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0004936 (UMLS CUI [2])
C0038586 (UMLS CUI [3])
Penis, Abnormality, Antatomic
Presence of penile anatomical abnormalities (e.g. penile fibrosis or Peyronie’s disease or prior surgery for Peyronies disease) that in the opinion of the investigator would significantly impair sexual performance.
C0030851 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1704258 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0220784 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Penis, Implant, Erectile Dysfunction
Prior implantation of penile implant for erectile dysfunction.
C0030851 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0021102 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0242350 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Primary hypoactive sexual desire.
C0020594 (UMLS CUI [1])
Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injury.
C0037929 (UMLS CUI [1])
History of seizures, within last 6 months.
C0036572 (UMLS CUI [1])
Prostate carcinoma
History of prostate cancer treated or untreated.
C0600139 (UMLS CUI [1])
Prostatectomy; Prostate, Procedure
History of prostatectomy or prostate procedures for any cause.
C0033573 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0033572 (UMLS CUI [2,1])
C2700391 (UMLS CUI [2,2])
hematological disease, chronic disease
Clinically significant chronic hematological disease which may lead to priapism such as sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma or leukemia.
C0018939 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0008679 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Peptic Ulcer, Active disease diagnosis
Significant active peptic ulceration.
C0030920 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C2707252 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Myocardial Infarction; Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery; Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary; Angina, Unstable; Congestive heart failure; Artificial cardiac pacemaker; Cerebrovascular accident
Presence of the following conditions prior to screening: myocardial infarction, coronary bypass surgery, coronary artery angioplasty, unstable angina, clinically evident congestive heart failure, cardiac pacemaker, or cerebrovascular accident.
C0027051 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0010055 (UMLS CUI [2])
C0002997 (UMLS CUI [3])
C0002965 (UMLS CUI [4])
C0018802 (UMLS CUI [5])
C0030163 (UMLS CUI [6])
C0038454 (UMLS CUI [7])
Cardiac Arrhythmia
Cardiac arrhythmia: significant cardiac arrhythmia shown on screening ECG, or a known or suspected history of significant cardiac arrhythmias within six months prior to screening. i.e., pre- existing syndromes, sinus pause > 3 seconds, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (3 consecutive ectopic beats), sustained ventricular tachycardia (30 consecutive ectopic beats), sustained supraventricular tachycardia (30 consecutive ectopic beats), accessory pathway tachycardia, bradycardia (heart rate < 45 beats per minute), atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, ectopic pacemaker, sick sinus syndrome, ventricular block (second or third degree), or left bundle branch block patients with right bundle branch block with no other symptoms of vascular history and no other medical concerns as determined by the PI and the GSK monitor are permitted entry into the trial, consultation with the GSK medical monitor prior to entry is required. Uncontrolled atrial fibrillation/flutter (ventricular response rate ≥100 bpm) at the screening visit (Visit 1).
C0003811 (UMLS CUI [1])
Prolonged QT interval, Congenital qualifier; Electrocardiogram QT corrected interval prolonged
History of congenital QT prolongation and/or QTc interval >450msec at screening visit (Visit 1) using the Bazett formula
C0151878 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1744681 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0855333 (UMLS CUI [2])
Systolic Pressure
Systolic cuff BP > 150 mmHg in the seated position at screening visit (Visit1), if the initial supine measure is >150mmHg, repeat the measure in sequence times 3 within 5-10 minutes of the last measure and take the mean of the three measures, if the average is >150mmHg then the subject may not enter the trial.
C0871470 (UMLS CUI [1])
Diastolic blood pressure
Diastolic cuff BP >95 mmHg in the seated position at screening visit (Visit 1), if the initial supine measure is >95mmHg, repeat the measure in sequence 3 times within 5-10 minutes of the last measure and take the average of the three measures, if the average is >95mmHg then the subject may not enter the trial.
C042883 (UMLS CUI [1])
Malignant Neoplasms
History of malignancy within the past five years (other than squamous or basal cell skin cancer).
C0006826 (UMLS CUI [1])
Condition, interferes with, Sex Behavior
Any condition which would preclude sexual activity.
C0348080 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0521102 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0036864 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Concomitant Agent
No concomitant medications know to impact IELT may be used within 7 days or 5 half lives (whichever is longer) of recording first IELT or at any time during the study this includes; SSRI’s, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, topical anesthetics muopioid antagonists, vacuum devices, constrictive devices, penile injections, urethral suppositories, gels, any over-the-counter herbal or non- prescription medications, and products purchased via the internet or mail order pharmacies, all other medications may be stopped at Visit 1 unless a period of tapering prior to discontinuation is required. During the course of the study the only cconcomitant medication use which can be considered includes inhaled or intra nasal agents for asthmatic patients and patients with allergic rhinitis, who are on stable doses of inhaled or intra nasal agents as prescribed by their health care providers, and who have had no adjustments in their prescribed and or actual use within the last 60 days. Agents which are known or expected to have significant systemic exposures as a result of inhaled or intra-nasal use or to have known CYP3A4 drug-drug interaction potential are not included in this exemption.
C2347852 (UMLS CUI [1])
Study Subject Participation Status, Investigational New Drugs
Subjects who have received any investigational drug (including placebo) within 30 days of the screening visit or 5 half lives of the investigational drug whichever is longer (Visit 1).
C2348568 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0013230 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Liver Diseases; Hepatic Impairment
Severe chronic or acute liver disease, history of moderate (Child- Pugh B) or severe (Child-Pugh C) hepatic impairment.
C0023895 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0948807 (UMLS CUI [2])
GSK557296, Hypersensitivity; Investigational New Drugs, Hypersensitivity
Subjects with known hypersensitivity to GSK557296 or any component of the investigational medication.
C3886683 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0020517 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0013230 (UMLS CUI [2,1])
C0020517 (UMLS CUI [2,2])
Illiteracy; Comprehension, Unable
Subjects who are illiterate or unable to understand the questionnaires or the subject diary.
C0020899 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0162340 (UMLS CUI [2,1])
C1299582 (UMLS CUI [2,2])
Subject Diary, Complete, Unwilling; Subject Diary, Complete, Unable
Subjects who are unwilling or unable to complete the subject diary.
C3890583 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0205197 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0034656 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C3890583 (UMLS CUI [2,1])
C0205197 (UMLS CUI [2,2])
C1299582 (UMLS CUI [2,3])
Randomization; Uniwlling
Subjects who are unwilling to be randomized to placebo.
C0558080 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0034656 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Partner in relationship, Pregnancy, Planned; Partner in relationship, Breast Feeding
Subject whose sexual partner is actively trying to conceive, and or is unwilling to use a reliable form of birth control as outlined in Section 8.1 for the duration of the trial. Or whose female partner is breast feeding. If the male partner has been using condoms with their monogamous partner for a minimum of 4 months prior to consideration of enrollment in the trial and they will continue to use the same type of condoms for the duration of the trial without exception and for all IELT measures during screening and active treatment. Then they may be considered for entry into the trial. Condoms with topical anesthetic creams are not permitted and use of these will be considered an exclusion from participation in the trial. Condom use should be noted in the electron CRF.
C0682323 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0032992 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0682323 (UMLS CUI [2,1])
C0006147 (UMLS CUI [2,2])
Subjects, who in the opinion of the investigator, would be non- compliant with the majority of the visits scheduled or study procedures.
C0457432 (UMLS CUI [1])
heparin, Hypersensitivity; Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
History of sensitivity to heparin or heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (for subjects at sites where PK studies are planned).
C0019134 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0020517 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0272285 (UMLS CUI [2])
Cotinine measurement; Tobacco Use
Urinary cotinine levels indicative of smoking or history or regular use of tobacco- or nicotine-containing products within 1 month prior to screening.
C0202363 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0543414 (UMLS CUI [1,2])