Liver Events Assessment
To be checked on Session Days 1 pre-dose, 2 hours post-dose and 72 hours post-dose. If Yes, - Stop investigational product and complete date stopped on Investigational Product form. - Contact GSK within 24 hours of occurrence of liver event by phone or fax. - If the liver event meets the definition of an SAE, the SAE form must be completed and faxed to GSK. - Obtain tests as per protocol. - Obtain Blood sample for pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis within 24 hours of last dose. - Complete Liver Events Forms.
Status of Treatment Blind
Treatment Blind Broken
This is the date the Investigator is made aware of the blind being broken. Record either: Date blind was broken by Investigator or Date Investigator notified by GSK that the blind has been/was broken
Time blind broken
Complete Non-Serious Adverse Events, Serious Adverse Event and/or Investigational Product pages, as appropriate.
Complete Non-Serious Adverse Events, Serious Adverse Event and/or Investigational Product pages, as appropriate.
Pregnancy Information
If Yes, complete Pregnancy Notification form. Not Applicable: not of childbearing potential or male
If Yes, complete Pregnancy Notification form. Not Applicable: subject is female, female partner not of childbearing potential or no female partner)
Study Conclusion
Refer to protocol section(s) to evaluate subject completion or withdrawal from the study. If the subject completed the study: ’Date of last contact’ must match the last actual contact with the subject whether or not the contact was a clinic visit. If the subject withdrew from the study: ’Date of decision to withdraw’ must match the date of subject withdrawal. ’Date of last contact’ must match the last actual contact with the subject whether or not the contact was a clinic visit. Do not record dates of unsuccessful attempts to contact the subject. Note:An ’actual contact’ is defined as an interaction between the subject and the investigator or investigator’s designee, where the investigator/designee has the opportunity to query the subject about the subject’s status. This would include clinic visits and telephone contacts, but normally would not include mail correspondence or third party reports.
Withdrawal from study
If Adverse Event: Record details on the Non-Serious Adverse Events or Serious Adverse Event pages as appropriate. Withdrew consent: Only pick, if none of the other primary reasons are appropriate
Reason for withdrawal
Date of decision to withdraw
Investigator Comment Log
CRF page number
Only use this to record explanatory information on anomalies such as missing data, departures from planned investigational product administration or missed visits.
Investigator's signature
Investigator's signature
Investigator's name
Signature Date