Person—Indigenous status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Indigenous status METeOR identifier: 291036 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 15/04/2010 Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010 Tasmanian Health, Final 30/06/2014 WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 01/11/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 25/08/2005 Definition: Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code. This is in accord with the first two of three components of the Commonwealth definition. Data Element Concept: Person—Indigenous status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin 2 Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin 3 Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin 4 Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This metadata item is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) standard for Indigenous status. For detailed advice on its use and application please refer to the ABS Website as indicated in the Reference documents. The classification for Indigenous status has a hierarchical structure comprising two levels. There are four categories at the detailed level of the classification which are grouped into two categories at the broad level. There is one supplementary category for 'not stated' responses. The classification is as follows: Indigenous: • Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin. • Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin. • Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin. Non-Indigenous: • Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin. Not stated/ inadequately described: This category is not to be available as a valid answer to the questions but is intended for use: • Primarily when importing data from other data collections that do not contain mappable data. • Where an answer was refused. • Where the question was not able to be asked prior to completion of assistance because the client was unable to communicate or a person who knows the client was not available. Only in the last two situations may the tick boxes on the questionnaire be left blank. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The standard question for Indigenous Status is as follows: [Are you] [Is the person] [Is (name)] of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, mark both 'Yes' boxes.) No.................................................... Yes, Aboriginal............................... Yes, Torres Strait Islander............ This question is recommended for self-enumerated or interview-based collections. It can also be used in circumstances where a close relative, friend, or another member of the household is answering on behalf of the subject. It is strongly recommended that this question be asked directly wherever possible. When someone is not present, the person answering for them should be in a position to do so, i.e. this person must know well the person about whom the question is being asked and feel confident to provide accurate information about them. This question must always be asked regardless of data collectors' perceptions based on appearance or other factors. The Indigenous status question allows for more than one response. The procedure for coding multiple responses is as follows: If the respondent marks 'No' and either 'Aboriginal' or 'Torres Strait Islander', then the response should be coded to either Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander as indicated (i.e. disregard the 'No' response). If the respondent marks both the 'Aboriginal' and 'Torres Strait Islander' boxes, then their response should be coded to 'Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin'. If the respondent marks all three boxes ('No', 'Aboriginal' and 'Torres Strait Islander'), then the response should be coded to 'Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin' (i.e. disregard the 'No' response). This approach may be problematical in some data collections, for example when data are collected by interview or using screen based data capture systems. An additional response category Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander... may be included if this better suits the data collection practices of the agency or establishment concerned. Comments: The following definition, commonly known as 'The Commonwealth Definition', was given in a High Court judgement in the case of Commonwealth v Tasmania (1983) 46 ALR 625. 'An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted as such by the community in which he or she lives'. There are three components to the Commonwealth definition: • descent; • self-identification; and • community acceptance. In practice, it is not feasible to collect information on the community acceptance part of this definition in general purpose statistical and administrative collections and therefore standard questions on Indigenous status relate to descent and self-identification only. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee National Community Services Data Committee Reference documents: Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999. Standards for Social, Labour and Demographic Variables. Cultural Diversity Variables, Canberra. Viewed 3 August 2005. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—Indigenous status, code AAA WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Supersedes Person—Indigenous status, code N Health, Superseded 04/05/2005, Community Services (retired), Superseded 25/08/2005 Has been superseded by Person—Indigenous status, code N Health, Standardisation pending 05/03/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children attending a preschool program, total number N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 28/05/2014, Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children attending an early childhood education program, total number N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 01/06/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children attending an early childhood education program, total number N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in a preschool program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 28/05/2014, Indigenous, Endorsed 08/04/2013 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in a preschool program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 08/04/2013, Indigenous, Archived 08/04/2013 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in an early childhood education program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in an early childhood education program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 01/06/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services paid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services unpaid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services non-residential/follow-up/aftercare client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services non-residential/follow-up/aftercare episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services paid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential treatment/rehabilitation client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential/rehabilitation episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services sobering up/residential respite/short-term care client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services sobering-up/residential respite/short term care episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services unpaid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Admitted patient mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Admitted patient palliative care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Adoptions DSS 2011-13 Community Services (retired), Standard 20/05/2013 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Bringing Them Home/Link Up Counselling Program client contacts cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Bringing them Home/Link Up Counselling Program client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Bringing them Home/Link Up Counsellors cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Child protection and support services (CPSS) client cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 30/04/2008 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Computer Assisted Telephone Interview demographic module DSS Health, Standard 03/12/2008 Cultural and language diversity cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Diabetes (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 21/09/2005 Disability services client details cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times (census data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times (removals data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Estimated resident population (ERP) cluster (early childhood education and care) Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Client file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 Medical indemnity DSS 2014- Health, Standard 21/11/2013 National Bowel Cancer Screening Program DSS 2014- Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Person (housing assistance) cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Prison clinic contact DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prisoners in custody repeat medications DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Public dental waiting times NMDS 2013- Health, Standard 09/11/2012 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Registered chiropractic labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered dental and allied dental health professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered medical professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered midwifery labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered nursing professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered optometry labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered osteopathy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered pharmacy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered physiotherapy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered podiatry labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered psychology labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Specialist Homelessness Services NMDS 2014-15 Housing assistance, Standard 30/06/2014 Homelessness, Standard 30/06/2014 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012 WA Abortion Notification System WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI01a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03a-Number of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715)) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04a-Number of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09a-Number of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10a-Number of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12a-Number of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13a-Number of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14a-Number of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16a-Number of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17a-Number of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(3)-Number of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons who separated from permanent residential aged care to return home/family, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 09-Incidence of heart attacks (acute coronary events), 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64a-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2012 Health, Retired 25/06/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64b-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2012 Health, Retired 25/06/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 10-The proportion of Indigenous children aged 4 and 5 years who are enrolled in, and attending, a preschool program in the year before full-time schooling, by remoteness, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: d(1)-Proportion of the potential population who used State/Territory delivered disability support services, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(2)-Proportion of people with a disability with an employment restriction who used Disability Employment Services (Open Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(3)-Proportion of the potential population who used Australian Disability Enterprises (Supported Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Rate of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons admitted to permanent residential aged care, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 -