Public hospital establishment address details DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)



Address site name

Address—address site name, text X[X(49)] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Address site name Synonymous names: Building property name; Primary complex name METeOR identifier: 429252 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The official place name or culturally accepted common usage name for an address site, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—address site name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(49)] Maximum character length: 50 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element represents the name given to an entire building or address site. Names of persons, associations or businesses should not be used as address site names. Usage Examples: · Parliament House (Name of the building) · University of Melbourne (Site name of university campus – a complex) · Happy Valley Retirement Village (Site name of gated property – a complex) · Darwin Town Hall (Name of the building) · Blue Hills Farm (Name of the property) This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—building/property name, text X[X(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—building/property name, text X[X(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Australian postcode (address)

Address—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Australian postcode (address) METeOR identifier: 429894 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012 Homelessness, Standard 01/05/2013 Tasmanian Health, Final 30/06/2014 WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 09/08/2013 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 25/05/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address. Data Element Concept: Address—Australian postcode Value domain attributes Representational attributes Classification scheme: Postcode datafile Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: {NNNN} Maximum character length: 4 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian postal addresses should include a valid postcode. Refer to the Australia Post Address Presentation Standard for rules on presentation and positioning of postcodes on mail. For a full list of Australian postcodes visit the Australia Post website: This data element may be used in the analysis of data on a geographical basis which involves coding data containing an address with a postcode to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) areas. The ABS provides a number of coding indexes and correspondences to undertake this conversion from postcode to ASGS areas. (See the correspondences section of ABS geography portal A more accurate way to convert address data to ASGS geography is to use the locality to SA2 coding index, available from ABS, where the locality, postcode and state, (which are all part of an address), used in conjunction can effectively code data to the SA2 level and above in the ASGS. Note that it is not possible to code to SA1 level using these correspondences or indexes. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2011) N(9) Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/12/2011 Supersedes Dwelling—Australian postcode code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013 Supersedes Housing assistance agency—Australian postcode code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013 Supersedes Person (address)—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 30/05/2013, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Homelessness, Superseded 30/05/2013, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Tasmanian Health, Proposed 30/09/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Workplace (address)—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Dwelling (housing assistance) cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Home purchase assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Order file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 National Bowel Cancer Screening Program DSS 2014- Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Private rent assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Public dental waiting times NMDS 2013- Health, Standard 09/11/2012 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) cluster 2011 Early Childhood, Superseded 28/05/2014 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 21/02/2012 Specialist Homelessness Services NMDS 2014-15 Housing assistance, Standard 30/06/2014 Homelessness, Standard 30/06/2014 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012 WA Abortion Notification System WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2013-14 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2014-15 WA Health, Endorsed 24/04/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: After-hours GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Bulk-billed GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on after-hours GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Frequent GP attenders, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Very high GP attenders, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015

Data type


Australian state/territory identifier of address

Address—Australian state/territory identifier, code AA[A] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Australian state/territory identifier of address Synonymous names: State/territory code METeOR identifier: 430134 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standardisation pending 19/10/2012 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An identifier of the state or territory of an address, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Address—Australian state/territory identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: AA[A] Maximum character length: 3 Permissible values: Value Meaning NSW New South Wales VIC Victoria QLD Queensland SA South Australia WA Western Australia TAS Tasmania NT Northern Territory ACT Australian Capital Territory AAT Australian Antarctic Territory Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: These Australian state/territory codes are used for addressing purposes only. The codes are listed in the order commonly used for statistical reporting by ABS and used in the National Standard for Australian state/territory identifier. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Funding jurisdiction cluster Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Juvenile Justice Order file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2013-14 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2014-15 WA Health, Endorsed 24/04/2015

Data type


Complex road name

Address—complex road name, text X[X(44)] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Complex road name Synonymous names: Complex street name METeOR identifier: 429376 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The name of the road/thoroughfare of an address within a complex, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—complex road name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(44)] Maximum character length: 45 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Complex addresses provide for the unique identification of secondary address sites within a larger, primary address site. A complex address requires both parts (secondary and primary) to provide unique definition. Within a road name it is possible to find what appears to be a Road type. It is also possible to have a null Road type. Usage Examples: Biology Building B 20-24 Genetics Lane North (Complex road name is Genetics) Blamey Research Institute 1-131 Sunshine Rd CAIRNS QLD 4870 Rose Cottage 9 Garden Walk (Complex road name is Garden) Happy Valley Retirement Village 75 Davis Street NORWOOD SA 5067 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—complex road type, code AA[AA] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—street name, text A[A(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—street name, text A[A(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Complex road number 1

Address—complex road number 1, road number XXXXXX Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Complex road number 1 Synonymous names: Complex house number 1; Complex street number 1 METeOR identifier: 429268 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An alphanumeric identifier of an address, or the start number for a ranged address, in the road or thoroughfare within a complex. Data Element Concept: Address—complex road number 1 Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Complex addresses provide for the unique identification of secondary address sites within a larger, primary address site. A complex address requires both parts (secondary and primary) to provide unique definition. In the case of a ranged address within a complex, this data element is used in combination with the Address—complex road number 2, road number XXXXXX data element to obtain the first and last numbers of the address. Usage Examples: Biology Building B 20-24 Genetics Lane North (Complex road number 1 is 20) Blamey Research Institute 1-131 Sunshine Rd CAIRNS QLD 4870 Rose Cottage 9 Garden Walk (Complex road number 1 is 9) Happy Valley Retirement Village 75 Davis Street Guide for use/examples NORWOOD SA 5067 This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: Address site (or Primary Complex) name Address number or number range Road name (name/type/suffix) Locality State/Territory Postcode (optional) Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—complex road number 2, road number XXXXXX Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Complex road number 2

Address—complex road number 2, road number XXXXXX Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Complex road number 2 Synonymous names: Complex house number 2; Complex street number 2 METeOR identifier: 429264 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An alphanumeric identifier for the last number for a ranged address in the road or thoroughfare in which a complex is located. Data Element Concept: Address—complex road number 2 Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Complex addresses provide for the unique identification of secondary address sites within a larger, primary address site. A complex address requires both parts (secondary and primary) to provide unique definition. In the case of a ranged address within a complex, this data element is used in combination with the Address—complex road number 1, road number XXXXXX data element to obtain the first and last numbers of the address. Usage Example: Biology Building B 20-24 Genetics Lane North (Complex road number 2 is 24) Blamey Research Institute 1-131 Sunshine Rd CAIRNS QLD 4870 This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: Address site (or Primary Complex) name Address number or number range Road name (name/type/suffix) Locality State/Territory Postcode (optional) Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—complex road number 1, road number XXXXXX Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Complex road type

Address—complex road type, code AA[AA] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Complex road type Synonymous names: Complex street type code; Complex road type code METeOR identifier: 429387 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An abbreviation used to distinguish the type of road or thoroughfare of an address within a complex. Data Element Concept: Address—complex road type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: AA[AA] Maximum character length: 4 Permissible values: Value Meaning ACCS Access ALLY Alley ALWY Alleyway AMBL Amble APP Approach ARC Arcade ARTL Arterial ARTY Artery AV Avenue BA Banan BEND Bend BWLK Boardwalk BVD Boulevard BR Brace BRAE Brae BRK Break BROW Brow BYPA Bypass BYWY Byway CSWY Causeway CTR Centre CH Chase CIR Circle CCT Circuit CRCS Circus CL Close CON Concourse CPS Copse CNR Corner CT Court CTYD Courtyard COVE Cove CR Crescent CRST Crest CRSS Cross CSAC Cul-de-sac CUTT Cutting DALE Dale DIP Dip DR Drive DVWY Driveway EDGE Edge ELB Elbow END End ENT Entrance ESP Esplanade EXP Expressway FAWY Fairway FOLW Follow FTWY Footway FORM Formation FWY Freeway FRTG Frontage GAP Gap GDNS Gardens GTE Gate GLDE Glade GLEN Glen GRA Grange GRN Green GR Grove HTS Heights HIRD Highroad HWY Highway HILL Hill INTG Interchange JNC Junction KEY Key LANE Lane LNWY Laneway LINE Line LINK Link LKT Lookout LOOP Loop MALL Mall MNDR Meander MEWS Mews MTWY Motorway NOOK Nook OTLK Outlook PDE Parade PWY Parkway PASS Pass PSGE Passage PATH Path PWAY Pathway PIAZ Piazza PLZA Plaza PKT Pocket PNT Point PORT Port PROM Promenade QDRT Quadrant QYS Quays RMBL Ramble REST Rest RTT Retreat RDGE Ridge RISE Rise RD Road RTY Rotary RTE Route ROW Row RUE Rue SVWY Serviceway SHUN Shunt SPUR Spur SQ Square ST Street SBWY Subway TARN Tarn TCE Terrace THFR Thoroughfare TLWY Tollway TOP Top TOR Tor TRK Track TRL Trail TURN Turn UPAS Underpass VALE Vale VIAD Viaduct VIEW View VSTA Vista WALK Walk WKWY Walkway WHRF Wharf WYND Wynd Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The recommended code description is the list of standard street type abbreviations in AS/NZS 4819. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Complex addresses provide for the unique identification of secondary address sites within a larger, primary address site. A complex address requires both parts (secondary and primary) to provide unique definition. NOTE: Within a Road name it is possible to find what appears to be a Road type (e.g. The Boulevard). It is also possible to have a null Road type. Usage Example: Biology Building B 20-24 Genetics Lane North (Complex road type code is LA) Blamey Research Institute 1-131 Sunshine Rd CAIRNS QLD 4870 Rose Cottage 9 Garden Walk (Complex road type code is WK) Happy Valley Retirement Village 75 Davis Street NORWOOD SA 5067 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—complex road name, text X[X(44)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—street type, code A[AAA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—street type, code A[AAA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Level number identifier

Address—level number, identifier X[XXXX] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Level number identifier Synonymous names: Floor number METeOR identifier: 429068 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: A number, forming part of the address within a complex, used to identify a floor or level of a multi-storey building/sub-complex. Data Element Concept: Address—level number Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: X[XXXX] Maximum character length: 5 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The data element may include a leading alphabetic prefix or a trailing alphabetic suffix. Usage Examples: Mrs Joyce Citizen Apartment 7 Level 3 (Level number is 3) Apex Building 48 Johnson Rd CLAYTON VIC 3168 Level 2 (Level number is 2) Building 75 Monash University 1-131 Wellington Road CLAYTON VIC 3168 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—floor/level identifier, [NNNA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—floor/level identifier, [NNNA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Road name

Address—road name, text X[X(44)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Road name Synonymous names: Street name METeOR identifier: 429747 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The name of the road or thoroughfare applicable to the address site or complex, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—road name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(44)] Maximum character length: 45 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Within a road name it is possible to find what appears to be a Road type (e.g. The Boulevard). It is also possible to have a null Road type. This data element relates to the road name only. Usage Examples: BROWNS ROAD WEST In this case the Road name is BROWNS, the Road type is RD and the Road suffix is W THE AVENUE WEST In this case the Road name is THE AVENUE, the Road type is null and the Road suffix is W COTSWOLD BRETT In this case the Road Name is COTSWOLD BRETT and the Road type is null HIGH STREET ROAD In this case the Road Name is HIGH STREET and the Road type is RD. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 See also Address—road type, code AA[AA] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—street name, text A[A(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—street name, text A[A(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Road number 1

Address—road number 1, road number XXXXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Road number 1 Synonymous names: House number 1; Street number 1 METeOR identifier: 429586 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An alphanumeric identifier for an address or start number in a ranged address in a road or thoroughfare. Data Element Concept: Address—road number 1 Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A road number may include an alphabetic prefix or an alphabetic suffix. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 See also Address—road number 2, road number XXXXXX Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Road number 2

Address—road number 2, road number XXXXXX Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Road number 2 Synonymous names: House number 2; Street number 2 METeOR identifier: 429594 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An alphanumeric identifier for the last number for a ranged address in the road or thoroughfare. Data Element Concept: Address—road number 2 Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A road number may include an alphabetic prefix or an alphabetic suffix. This data element is used for ranged street numbers only. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—road number 1, road number XXXXXX Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—house/property identifier, text X[X(11)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Road type

Address—road type, code AA[AA] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Road type Synonymous names: Street type code; road type code METeOR identifier: 429840 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An abbreviation used to distinguish the type of road or thoroughfare applicable to the address site/complex. Data Element Concept: Address—road type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: AA[AA] Maximum character length: 4 Permissible values: Value Meaning ACCS Access ALLY Alley ALWY Alleyway AMBL Amble APP Approach ARC Arcade ARTL Arterial ARTY Artery AV Avenue BA Banan BEND Bend BWLK Boardwalk BVD Boulevard BR Brace BRAE Brae BRK Break BROW Brow BYPA Bypass BYWY Byway CSWY Causeway CTR Centre CH Chase CIR Circle CCT Circuit CRCS Circus CL Close CON Concourse CPS Copse CNR Corner CT Court CTYD Courtyard COVE Cove CR Crescent CRST Crest CRSS Cross CSAC Cul-de-sac CUTT Cutting DALE Dale DIP Dip DR Drive DVWY Driveway EDGE Edge ELB Elbow END End ENT Entrance ESP Esplanade EXP Expressway FAWY Fairway FOLW Follow FTWY Footway FORM Formation FWY Freeway FRTG Frontage GAP Gap GDNS Gardens GTE Gate GLDE Glade GLEN Glen GRA Grange GRN Green GR Grove HTS Heights HIRD Highroad HWY Highway HILL Hill INTG Interchange JNC Junction KEY Key LANE Lane LNWY Laneway LINE Line LINK Link LKT Lookout LOOP Loop MALL Mall MNDR Meander MEWS Mews MTWY Motorway NOOK Nook OTLK Outlook PDE Parade PWY Parkway PASS Pass PSGE Passage PATH Path PWAY Pathway PIAZ Piazza PLZA Plaza PKT Pocket PNT Point PORT Port PROM Promenade QDRT Quadrant QYS Quays RMBL Ramble REST Rest RTT Retreat RDGE Ridge RISE Rise RD Road RTY Rotary RTE Route ROW Row RUE Rue SVWY Serviceway SHUN Shunt SPUR Spur SQ Square ST Street SBWY Subway TARN Tarn TCE Terrace THFR Thoroughfare TLWY Tollway TOP Top TOR Tor TRK Track TRL Trail TURN Turn UPAS Underpass VALE Vale VIAD Viaduct VIEW View VSTA Vista WALK Walk WKWY Walkway WHRF Wharf WYND Wynd Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The recommended code description is the list of standard street type abbreviations in AS/NZS 4819. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Within a road name it is possible to find what appears to be a Road type. It is also possible to have a null Road type. For postal purposes the Road type should be abbreviated. Usage Example: MAIN ROAD In this case the street name is MAIN and the Road type is RD. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 See also Address—road name, text X[X(44)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—street type, code A[AAA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—street type, code A[AAA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Secondary complex name

Address—secondary complex name, text X[X(49)] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Secondary complex name Synonymous names: Utility name METeOR identifier: 429404 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The name associated with a building or area within a complex site, which forms part of the address, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—secondary complex name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(49)] Maximum character length: 50 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element may represent the name given to an entire building within an address site that has its own separate address. Usage Examples: Biology Building B (Secondary Complex name) 20-24 Genetics Lane North Blamey Research Institute (Address site name ) 1-131 Sunshine Rd CAIRNS QLD 4870 Rose Cottage (Secondary Complex name) 9 Garden Walk Happy Valley Retirement Village (Address site name) 75 Davis Street NORWOOD SA 5067 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Sub-dwelling unit number

Address—sub-dwelling unit number, identifier X[X(6)] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Sub-dwelling unit number METeOR identifier: 429012 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: A numeric identifier used to distinguish an address within a building/sub-complex or marina. Data Element Concept: Address—sub-dwelling unit number Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: X[X(6)] Maximum character length: 7 Data set specification specific attributes Public hospital establishment address details DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on this component being part of the address of the Public hospital establishment. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element may include a leading alphabetic prefix or a trailing alphabetic suffix. Example: Mrs Joyce Citizen Apartment 7 (Sub-dwelling unit number is 7) Level 3 Apex Building 48 Johnson Rd CLAYTON VIC 3168 Mr XYZ Suite 54 (Sub-dwelling unit number is 54) Beacon Cove Foodstore 103 Beach Road PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—building/complex sub-unit identifier, [X(7)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—building/complex sub-unit identifier, [X(7)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Suburb/town/locality name within address

Address—suburb/town/locality name, text X[X(45)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Suburb/town/locality name within address Synonymous names: Suburb name; Locality name METeOR identifier: 429889 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012 Homelessness, Standard 01/05/2013 Tasmanian Health, Draft 12/09/2012 WA Health, Draft 23/08/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The name of the locality/suburb of the address, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—suburb/town/locality name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(45)] Maximum character length: 46 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The suburb/town/locality name may be a town, city, suburb or commonly used location name such as a large agricultural property or Aboriginal community. This metadata item may be used to describe the location of an organisation or person. It can be a component of a street or postal address. If used for mailing purposes, the format of this data element should be upper case. Refer to Australia Post Address Presentation Standard. Any forced abbreviations shall be done by truncation from the right. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Comments: Official locality names and their associated boundary extents are assigned by relevant state naming committees/protocols. Their correct usage is encouraged. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2011) N(9) Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/12/2011 See also Address—suburb/town/locality name, text X[X(49)] WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—suburb/town/locality name, text A[A(49)] Housing assistance, Standard 23/08/2010, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—suburb/town/locality name, text A[A(49)] Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Workplace (address)—suburb/town/locality name, text A[A(49)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Home purchase assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Order file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 Private rent assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Specialist Homelessness Services NMDS 2014-15 Housing assistance, Standard 30/06/2014 Homelessness, Standard 30/06/2014 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012

Data type




Establishment identifier

Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Establishment identifier METeOR identifier: 269973 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 Definition: The identifier for the establishment in which episode or event occurred. Each separately administered health care establishment to have a unique identifier at the national level. Data Element Concept: Establishment—organisation identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: NNX[X]NNNNN Maximum character length: 9 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Concatenation of: Australian state/territory identifier (character position 1); Sector (character position 2); Region identifier (character positions 3-4); and Organisation identifier (state/territory), (character positions 5-9). Comments: Establishment identifier should be able to distinguish between all health care establishments nationally. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment identifier, version 4, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.0 KB) Is formed using Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 See also Establishment—WA identifier, NNN[N] WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Is formed using Establishment—organisation identifier (state/territory), NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/11/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Is formed using Establishment—region identifier, X[X] Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Is formed using Establishment—sector, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 See also Hospital—hospital identifier, XXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2013-2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2014-15 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 14/01/2015 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Admitted patient mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Admitted patient palliative care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Elective surgery waiting times (census data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times (removals data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Hospital teaching and training activities DSS 2014-15 Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Hospital teaching, training and research activities DSS 2015- Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 17/08/2015 Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Non-admitted patient care hospital aggregate NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 24/10/2014 Non-admitted patient care Local Hospital Network aggregate DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 13/09/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2013-14 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2014-15 WA Health, Endorsed 24/04/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Median waiting time for elective surgery 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Median waiting time for elective surgery, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Median waiting time for elective surgery, 2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 30/04/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Number of elective surgeries 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who received their surgery within clinically recommended times 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who waited more than 365 days for elective surgery 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 30/04/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20a-Waiting times for elective surgery: waiting times in days, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20b-Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion seen on time, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 Used as denominator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who received their surgery within clinically recommended times 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who waited more than 365 days for elective surgery 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 30/04/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Waiting times for emergency hospital care: Percentage completed within four hours, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014

Data type


Similar models

Public hospital establishment address details DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Data type
Item Group
Address site name
Address site name
Australian postcode (Postcode datafile)
Australian postcode (address)
Australian state/territory identifier of address
Code List
Australian state/territory identifier of address
CL Item
New South Wales (NSW)
CL Item
Victoria (VIC )
CL Item
Queensland (QLD)
CL Item
South Australia (SA)
CL Item
Western Australia (WA)
CL Item
Tasmania (TAS)
CL Item
Northern Territory (NT)
CL Item
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
CL Item
Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT)
Complex road name
Complex road name
Complex road number 1
Complex road number 1
Complex road number 2
Complex road number 2
Complex road type
Code List
Complex road type
CL Item
Access (ACCS)
CL Item
Alley (ALLY)
CL Item
Alleyway (ALWY)
CL Item
Amble (AMBL)
CL Item
Approach (APP)
CL Item
Arcade (ARC)
CL Item
Arterial (ARTL)
CL Item
Artery (ARTY)
CL Item
Avenue (AV)
CL Item
Banan (BA)
CL Item
Bend (BEND)
CL Item
Boardwalk (BWLK)
CL Item
Boulevard (BVD)
CL Item
Brace (BR)
CL Item
Brae (BRAE)
CL Item
Break (BRK)
CL Item
Brow (BROW)
CL Item
Bypass (BYPA )
CL Item
Byway (BYWY)
CL Item
Causeway (CSWY)
CL Item
Centre (CTR)
CL Item
Chase (CH)
CL Item
Circle (CIR)
CL Item
Circuit (CCT)
CL Item
Circus (CRCS)
CL Item
Close (CL)
CL Item
Concourse (CON)
CL Item
Copse (CPS)
CL Item
Corner (CNR)
CL Item
Court (CT)
CL Item
Courtyard (CTYD)
CL Item
Cove (COVE)
CL Item
Crescent (CR)
CL Item
Crest (CRST)
CL Item
Cross (CRSS)
CL Item
Cul-de-sac (CSAC)
CL Item
Cutting (CUTT)
CL Item
Dale (DALE)
CL Item
Dip (DIP)
CL Item
Drive (DR)
CL Item
Driveway (DVWY)
CL Item
Edge (EDGE)
CL Item
Elbow (ELB)
CL Item
End (END)
CL Item
Entrance (ENT)
CL Item
Esplanade (ESP)
CL Item
Expressway (EXP)
CL Item
Fairway (FAWY)
CL Item
Follow (FOLW)
CL Item
Footway (FTWY)
CL Item
Formation (FORM)
CL Item
Freeway (FWY)
CL Item
Frontage (FRTG)
CL Item
Gap (GAP)
CL Item
Gardens (GDNS)
CL Item
Gate (GTE)
CL Item
Glade (GLDE)
CL Item
Glen (GLEN)
CL Item
Grange (GRA)
CL Item
Green (GRN)
CL Item
Grove (GR)
CL Item
Heights (HTS)
CL Item
Highroad (HIRD)
CL Item
Highway (HWY)
CL Item
Hill (HILL)
CL Item
Interchange (INTG)
CL Item
Junction (JNC)
CL Item
Key (KEY)
CL Item
Lane (LANE)
CL Item
Laneway (LNWY)
CL Item
Line (LINE)
CL Item
Link (LINK)
CL Item
Lookout (LKT)
CL Item
Loop (LOOP)
CL Item
Mall (MALL)
CL Item
Meander (MNDR)
CL Item
Mews (MEWS)
CL Item
Motorway (MTWY)
CL Item
Nook (NOOK)
CL Item
Outlook (OTLK)
CL Item
Parade (PDE)
CL Item
Parkway (PWY)
CL Item
Pass (PASS)
CL Item
Passage (PSGE)
CL Item
Path (PATH)
CL Item
Pathway (PWAY)
CL Item
Piazza (PIAZ)
CL Item
Plaza (PLZA)
CL Item
Pocket (PKT)
CL Item
Point (PNT)
CL Item
Port (PORT)
CL Item
Promenade (PROM)
CL Item
Quadrant (QDRT)
CL Item
Quays (QYS)
CL Item
Ramble (RMBL)
CL Item
Rest (REST)
CL Item
Retreat (RTT)
CL Item
Ridge (RDGE)
CL Item
Rise (RISE)
CL Item
Road (RD)
CL Item
Rotary (RTY)
CL Item
Route (RTE)
CL Item
Row (ROW)
CL Item
Rue (RUE)
CL Item
Serviceway (SVWY)
CL Item
Shunt (SHUN)
CL Item
Spur (SPUR)
CL Item
Square (SQ)
CL Item
Street (ST)
CL Item
Subway (SBWY)
CL Item
Tarn (TARN)
CL Item
Terrace (TCE)
CL Item
Thoroughfare (THFR)
CL Item
Tollway (TLWY)
CL Item
Top (TOP)
CL Item
Tor (TOR)
CL Item
Track (TRK)
CL Item
Trail (TRL)
CL Item
Turn (TURN)
CL Item
Underpass (UPAS)
CL Item
Vale (VALE)
CL Item
Viaduct (VIAD)
CL Item
View (VIEW)
CL Item
Vista (VSTA)
CL Item
Walk (WALK)
CL Item
Walkway (WKWY)
CL Item
Wharf (WHRF)
CL Item
Wynd (WYND)
Level number, identifier
Level number identifier
Road name
Road name
Road number 1
Road number 1
Road number 2
Road number 2
Road type
Code List
Road type
CL Item
Access (ACCS)
CL Item
Alley (ALLY)
CL Item
Alleyway (ALWY)
CL Item
Amble (AMBL)
CL Item
Approach (APP)
CL Item
Arcade (ARC)
CL Item
Arterial (ARTL)
CL Item
Artery (ARTY)
CL Item
Avenue (AV)
CL Item
Banan (BA)
CL Item
Bend (BEND)
CL Item
Boardwalk (BWLK)
CL Item
Boulevard (BVD)
CL Item
Brace (BR)
CL Item
Brae (BRAE)
CL Item
Break (BRK)
CL Item
Brow (BROW)
CL Item
Bypass (BYPA )
CL Item
Byway (BYWY)
CL Item
Causeway (CSWY)
CL Item
Centre (CTR)
CL Item
Chase (CH)
CL Item
Circle (CIR)
CL Item
Circuit (CCT)
CL Item
Circus (CRCS)
CL Item
Close (CL)
CL Item
Concourse (CON)
CL Item
Copse (CPS)
CL Item
Corner (CNR)
CL Item
Court (CT)
CL Item
Courtyard (CTYD)
CL Item
Cove (COVE)
CL Item
Crescent (CR)
CL Item
Crest (CRST)
CL Item
Cross (CRSS)
CL Item
Cul-de-sac (CSAC)
CL Item
Cutting (CUTT)
CL Item
Dale (DALE)
CL Item
Dip (DIP)
CL Item
Drive (DR)
CL Item
Driveway (DVWY)
CL Item
Edge (EDGE)
CL Item
Elbow (ELB)
CL Item
End (END)
CL Item
Entrance (ENT)
CL Item
Esplanade (ESP)
CL Item
Expressway (EXP)
CL Item
Fairway (FAWY)
CL Item
Follow (FOLW)
CL Item
Footway (FTWY)
CL Item
Formation (FORM)
CL Item
Freeway (FWY)
CL Item
Frontage (FRTG)
CL Item
Gap (GAP)
CL Item
Gardens (GDNS)
CL Item
Gate (GTE)
CL Item
Glade (GLDE)
CL Item
Glen (GLEN)
CL Item
Grange (GRA)
CL Item
Green (GRN)
CL Item
Grove (GR)
CL Item
Heights (HTS)
CL Item
Highroad (HIRD)
CL Item
Highway (HWY)
CL Item
Hill (HILL)
CL Item
Interchange (INTG)
CL Item
Junction (JNC)
CL Item
Key (KEY)
CL Item
Lane (LANE)
CL Item
Laneway (LNWY)
CL Item
Line (LINE)
CL Item
Link (LINK)
CL Item
Lookout (LKT)
CL Item
Loop (LOOP)
CL Item
Mall (MALL)
CL Item
Meander (MNDR)
CL Item
Mews (MEWS)
CL Item
Motorway (MTWY)
CL Item
Nook (NOOK)
CL Item
Outlook (OTLK)
CL Item
Parade (PDE)
CL Item
Parkway (PWY)
CL Item
Pass (PASS)
CL Item
Passage (PSGE)
CL Item
Path (PATH)
CL Item
Pathway (PWAY)
CL Item
Piazza (PIAZ)
CL Item
Plaza (PLZA)
CL Item
Pocket (PKT)
CL Item
Point (PNT)
CL Item
Port (PORT)
CL Item
Promenade (PROM)
CL Item
Quadrant (QDRT)
CL Item
Quays (QYS)
CL Item
Ramble (RMBL)
CL Item
Rest (REST)
CL Item
Retreat (RTT)
CL Item
Ridge (RDGE)
CL Item
Rise (RISE)
CL Item
Road (RD)
CL Item
Rotary (RTY)
CL Item
Route (RTE)
CL Item
Row (ROW)
CL Item
Rue (RUE)
CL Item
Serviceway (SVWY)
CL Item
Shunt (SHUN)
CL Item
Spur (SPUR)
CL Item
Square (SQ)
CL Item
Street (ST)
CL Item
Subway (SBWY)
CL Item
Tarn (TARN)
CL Item
Terrace (TCE)
CL Item
Thoroughfare (THFR)
CL Item
Tollway (TLWY)
CL Item
Top (TOP)
CL Item
Tor (TOR)
CL Item
Track (TRK)
CL Item
Trail (TRL)
CL Item
Turn (TURN)
CL Item
Underpass (UPAS)
CL Item
Vale (VALE)
CL Item
Viaduct (VIAD)
CL Item
View (VIEW)
CL Item
Vista (VSTA)
CL Item
Walk (WALK)
CL Item
Walkway (WKWY)
CL Item
Wharf (WHRF)
CL Item
Wynd (WYND)
Secondary complex name
Secondary complex name
Sub-dwelling unit number, identifier
Sub-dwelling unit number
Suburb/town/locality name
Suburb/town/locality name within address
Item Group
Organisation identifier (Australian)
Establishment identifier